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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.8839152 [View]
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What we got is at least functional and it's not like the game isn't fun as Cornell as it is, but it's just such a waste of a cool concept to me, you know? You can't even toggle wolf mode for some reason, you're stuck with it once you activate it.

Same for Carrie, she's supposed to be a magic user or at least is similar to one and in fact supposed to be a Belnades relative, something about it being translated differently? The story even treats her as being super strong, to the point that her rival villain, Actrise, may have very well have just been a speed bump Dracula threw at Carrie to slow her down, yet the only thing she can do shoot one (1) homing fireball. I don't know I guess it would be cool if she also freeze enemies or something. It doesn't have to your typical Belnades powers or anything, but the old trailer showed Carrie using telekinesis on a bunch of bricks.


Still an enjoyable game, because it's got good fundamentals and all, it'd just be nice to have, is all.

>That scene with his wife is pretty damn compelling

Isn't it? It's been awhile since I last played, and the DLC seems to suggest that it really is her having come back, but I vaguely remember her entry in the book saying that she's an apparition of Dracula's mind, representing a better part of himself. If that's indeed the case, then it says a lot that, despite knowing by this point that the real Marie hid some truths from him, Dracula still thinks so highly of her, and as a part of his mind, her giving him a dressing down over his lasting grudge over what the Brotherhood pulled on him and swearing to be a thorn in the side of even God means he already knows better and doesn't even want any of that or all the power and security that comes with being the Prince of Evil, especially considering the sordid lifestyle entailed.


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