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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.6437752 [View]
File: 39 KB, 560x240, Jimmy Johnson's VR Football '98 (USA)-0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to trigger the game's debug screen. DoGameLoopPausePads from ARCADE.C should be run on the pause screen, which invokes CheckEggPassword and CheckTesterPassword from DEBUGSHL.C to see whether the debug screen should be launched based on previous inputs.
> debugShell = FALSE;
> if (CheckEggPassword() && gGameLoopState == GLOOP_INPLAY_STATE) debugShell = TRUE;
> if (CheckTesterPassword() && gMenuInfo.selection == PAUSE_QUIT_GAME) debugShell = TRUE;
> if (debugShell) { /* ... */ Display_Debug_Shell(FALSE); /* ... */ }
These should be the inputs used:
Tester password: left square left circle left triangle select
Egg shell password 1: triangle square circle square triangle select
Egg shell password 2: circle square circle square triangle select
Egg shell password 3: triangle square triangle circle square select
Egg shell password 4: circle square triangle circle square select
Egg shell password 5: square circle square triangle circle select
Egg shell password 6: triangle circle square triangle circle select
Egg shell password 7: circle square triangle square circle select
Egg shell password 8: triangle square triangle square circle select

Although tester password assumes that entering that sequence should be enough while "QUIT MENU" is selected, it seems to do nothing. All the strings from DEBUGSHL.C are present in the binary, but I can't find the binary representations of the *Password* arrays, neither in big or little endian.

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