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>> No.11437461 [View]
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Why did the PC Engine CD mog the Sega CD so badly?

>> No.11287668 [View]
File: 23 KB, 600x450, PC_Engine_CD-ROM2_Interface_Unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most aesthetic console ever made

>> No.10337847 [View]
File: 23 KB, 600x450, PC_Engine_CD-ROM2_Interface_Unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I got this without the cd system card, could I buy a flashcard/cart and use that in place of it? And does the music cd player work without any hu card?

>> No.9791481 [View]
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I downloaded what appears to be a full catalogue of PC-Engine CD-ROM2 roms because obviously I wanted to play Castlevania. Is there anything else worth my time in there?

>> No.7258168 [View]
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>> No.7235761 [View]
File: 24 KB, 600x450, PC_Engine_CD-ROM2_Interface_Unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This device here.

>> No.5114421 [View]
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>ahead of its time
>PC-Engine CD-ROM released three years before Mega-CD

>> No.2748702 [View]
File: 24 KB, 600x450, PC_Engine_CD-ROM2_Interface_Unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the PC Engine classic briefcase combo
You put the CD in the fucking CD Unit, you dolt.
It has a DC Jack a stereo jack and headphone jack + controls + LED display thus making it able to operate even without the IFU (Interface Unit, the thing you plug PC-Engine and CD-ROM^2 in)

If it's in the IFU it you can operate it using the buttons on it without booting up the main PC Engine unit. In this case the sound comes out of the RCA jacks on the IFU.

>> No.2221332 [View]
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>> No.1190084 [DELETED]  [View]
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I just need some help about emulators in Xbox 360 with RGH, Best emulator for him especially for Sega CD, ps1 and PCengine CD. Dreamcast emulator if exist is funcional?

>> No.861297 [View]
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I never owned one of these.
What was it like?

>> No.537040 [View]
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Original PC Engine (the white one in your pic,) Core Grafx an Core Grafx II are all the same, only significant difference is the original had RF output, the latter had AV out.

PCE Shuttle, don't know what the deal was with this one, skip unless it's cheap or no other models are available.

Super Grafx, a "super" PCE as the name suggests. backwards compatible, but only a few titles were made exclusively for it.

PCE LT, quasi-portable with a built-in screen, rare.

PCE GT, hand held version, shits batteries like the Nomad, Game Gear, and Lynx. Combined with the HU-Cards, arguably cooler than the Nomad.

CD-ROM2 & Super CD-ROM2, CD add-on. First one requires a system card to run it, the second one has it built-in.

Duo, Duo R, Duo RX, combined PCE & CD-ROM. The R removes a few features, the RX is a mostly cosmetic change.

For what you want to play, get one of the Duo systems, or any of the PCE/Core/Core2 models and either CD-ROM unit. If you're ok with the US release (I don't know if all of the PC Genjin games were ported,) then you could also get the American released consoles. The CD games aren't region locked.

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