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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1246568 [View]
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here is my own theory of the IoS (which, by the way, is a name assigned by the fans themselves, since the creature itself doesn't have a name, the MAP is called Icon of Sin)

This goatfaced entity is as big as pic related, and was used to open a powerful portal between Hell itself and the inners of Earth, and from the inside all the demons went to open up the way up to the surface (Remember, you go all the way down to gawd knows where). Hell has many of these motherfuckers, as seen in Final Doom in which you fight two of them.

>b-but Final D---!

Officially released by id software; shove it.

These Gatekeepers are nothing but, hmm what would be the word...fauna? Think of it as those fuckhueg monsters which you can do nothing about them and render you with no option but to get used to them wandering around; but in this case, Hell is so fucking endless that you rarely see these fellas unless it's for special ocasions (just like in this case)

>> No.1225441 [SPOILER]  [View]
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I like you. Here's an idea I had when one of those "Hell" threads in /v/ popped out

>Boom-compatible WAD (after watching how does Hellbound works, this is totally possible)
>From MAP01 to MAP29, the whole wad is filled with psychedelic, "Spiritual World"-ish levels. Totally not a slaughterwad, something in the vein of The Eye-levels of difficulty.
>MAP29's exit is totally strange and different from the rest of the exits of the whole wad
>MAP30 you seem to jump off from the biggest cliff ever and land on an extended playground apparently located in Hell
>You hear a big ass growl
>You suddenly realize what you heard is a big ass monster, which is located right at your left. You were inside him all this time.
>You fell off from one of his ears, and your objective now is to kill that motherfucker.

Pic related, that possible monster. Also it should be clarified that the monster is geometry-based and not a big ass sprite

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