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>> No.1009846 [View]
File: 213 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130821_154045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said it wasn't more challenging. There's just very rarely a reason to use anything but the SSG, unless you've got a Spider Mastermind or Cyberdemon in the way, and even then the SSG is more than capable of handling them.

Look, let me put it this way: I just played through the first cluster of Doom 2, including Dead Simple. There were only a couple situations where I didn't use the SSG. One was on Map01 and 02 before I got it. The second time was in Map05, where I switched to the chaingun briefly to mow down that horde of zombiemen before the red key. Other than that, SSG was all I used. Worse, it was a nerfed SSG - I modded it to fire the standard shotgun blast twice, robbing it of its advantages in ammo efficiency and stunning. I didn't run out of shells once. I didn't even come close to running out of shells once. This nerfed SSG needed 8 shells to kill Mancubi and Arachnotrons, and 6 to kill Cacodemons - compare to vanilla's only using 6 and 4 respectively. Even though I was using so many more shells and I was only using the SSG, I still had no ammo problems. Tell me that's not overpowered. Go on.

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