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>> No.5935680 [View]
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Anyone got a good wad to recommend thats 3-4 hours long?

go back to /v/

>> No.5741090 [View]
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It's good. You can play them in any order, but TNT was developed first and is easier.

TNT is kind of an atmospheric deal, I want to say most of the maps are good, and the weak ones kind of gather in the end third. If you come to the level Habitat or Baron's Den, and think to yourself "My god, what the fuck is this shit?", I don't think many people would hold it against you if you cheated to leave those maps as soon as possible or used a guide.
Overall though, it's definitely worth playing, the first and second thirds have a bunch of fun and atmospheric maps, the music is top notch.

Plutonia goes for a different style, and is designed around the premise to that it would be really challenging on Ultra-Violence.
If the authors (Dario and Milo Casali) felt the map wasn't giving them enough of a hard time, they would go back and alter the maps to make sure it would still be difficult.
If this sounds like a lot to chew, it can still be played on Hurt Me Plenty, and it'll be more forgiving and less dickish, some may call Plutonia slaughter, but it really isn't, only map 32 fits that description at all.
The quality of the maps are pretty good, they're largely a bunch of homages to Doom 1 and Doom 2 maps, but with a spin on them.
Plutonia was made by just these two brothers in like 8 weeks (an amazingly tiny frame of time, if you consider how tight the maps are), and it's still remembered as a milestone in Doom mapping, Dario Casali would go on to work at Valve, making levels for the Half-Life games, to mention some.

>> No.5626163 [View]
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>The virgin doomer
SIGIL is too hard on UltraViolence!
>The Chad ZeroMaster
Speedruns SIGIL in Nightmare

>> No.5497279 [View]
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You can go ahead and try Plutonia on UV, but if you find the difficulty frustrating, try playing it on HMP instead.
That's what I'm saying.

As for how Plutonia is hard, it uses effective monster placements, putting you in tight situations and springing wild traps on you, for instance Map 11 is a labyrinth populated with Arch-Viles, where you're given an SSG and a big pile of shells at the start, and you have to use corners and keep trying to stun the Viles to avoid them blowing your ass sky high.
It's a very tense map, but it's fair in how it plays.

>> No.5012197 [View]
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Nothing really, it actually went unusually smooth, the Casalis working their asses off for a couple of months and managing to actually make a tight and consistent product without problems. iD Software didn't demand any changes for Plutonia, like they did with TNT, they liked it and took it as it was (to the brother's relief, they were really on edge by that point).
For comparison, TNT had to have some levels truncated or even replaced, because they were too demanding for contemporary machines, Plutonia didn't go past any limits.

Dario's core idea was that Plutonia would consistently challenge him on Ultra-Violence, and thus that's why he tweaked the levels to be hard for him. In his own words, "I have no sympathy for people who complain to me that Plutonia is too hard on Ultra-Violence." the other difficulties exist for a reason.
I imagine Milo's goals and attitude towards Plutonia was much the same.
And I think that's good, the base game is generally quite easy, so it was nice to see a polished megawad that gave people more to try to best.
I also think that Plutonia has some distinct visuals that are quite cool, all the filthy old brick, brown cobblestone, moss clad walls, flowing blood, etc, etc. You can practically smell the way Plutonia looks, it's raw and disgusting, and I love it. It feels almost like a proto-Quake in that regard.

The only real flaw I think that can be weighed against Plutonia is that it has no original music, only featuring reused Doom tracks. Thankfully, these days we have the plutmidi pack.

>> No.4794258 [View]
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TNT basically takes the new monsters (and textures) that Doom 2 provided, and makes a largely much more interesting and memorable campaign.
It's not flawless, in fact the last third of it falters and here's where some of the bad maps are, but mostly they're cool and interesting.
It has its own soundtrack that's extremely well fitting, and despite being designed by a handful of different people with no actual set goal for design or theme, the stylings of the maps feel mostly pretty coherent as if they did.

Plutonia is much more consistent in quality, though it is also a much more challenging campaign. It's not the hardest ever, by any means, but if you ever found yourself thinking "Gee, Doom's kind of easy", then Plutonia will change that attitude, prepare for some really intense jungle combat and temple fighting. Some argue that Plutonia is one of the best entries in classic Doom.
Watch out for Revenants and Arch-Viles.

>> No.3797858 [View]
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TNT was initially designed to just be released for free.
Plutonia was cobbled together by basically two guys (brothers Milo and Dario Casali) as part of the deal with iD, because they wanted another 32 level map pack to go with TNT

They used their shared mapping knowledge and aimed to make a mapset which would really challenge players who felt that the original games were too easy. While it's been surpassed when it comes to challenge, I still think it's a pretty good benchmark for how to make a challenging FPS campaign.

>> No.3075837 [View]
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The reloading of the pistol in Duke Nukem (after every 12 rounds), is probably to make the weapon more distinct from the Ripper chaingun, it still shoots fast so that it's an actually useful weapon, but it doesn't have the rate of fire that the Ripper has, so you still have a reason to use each weapon.
They also have a separate ammo supply.

I think that you can easily fit Duke 3D style reloading for weapons in a Doom mod, pistol locks back empty, and the player immediately drops the empty mag in the same motion as he reaches for a new magazine, he inserts it and hits the slide release, this only takes a very brief moment and if you're holding down the fire button you'll continue shooting.

Shotgun would have you lock the pump back on the last shot, insert two shells at a time (like in Doom 3), for a 5 or 6 round magazine tube, then sliding the pump forward.

For rifles and subguns, similar to the pistol, drop the mag and reach for a new one in one smooth motion, then hit the bolt-release or rack the charging handle rapidly.
If it has a grenade launcher, show the breech slid open, spits out the empty casing, insert a new one and slam it shut.

Plasma can have an insinuated replacement of a battery load, rapidly, then the player hits a button, there's a quick beep with a slight exhaust of hot blue gas and it's ready to shoot.

Showy animations are nice, but efficiency has to be considered.

Those would be the stylized Duke Nukem deagles, not 47's Silver Ballers.

>> No.2899684 [View]
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>Also quite an alien concept that for some reason the games need to be constantly changed in order to be appealing.

Oh go die in a fire you fucking sack of shit.
Vanilla is as appreciated as modern here.
I play lots of modern Doom content, but I often check out and play through various old console ports of the original games.

>> No.2394172 [View]
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I like the SKS suggested for SUAB so far, is Spook (or if it's someone else), interested in implementing it?

Someone made a TC in the very early days of Doom modding.
It looked like shite.

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