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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10024685 [View]
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Alright, so, https://litter.catbox.moe/8yhorj.pk3 (3 days)
I haven't actually released this update on itch yet because it's not entirely done, but I'm at the point where I think it's basically fine so I'm just going to post it up here and see if anyone wants to try and crash it.
Basically this is just a stability and balance update, but there are a few other things as well to look out for. Had literally any of my cool new feature ideas not been terrible it would have had one of those, but sadly they all ranged from useless to utterly gamebreaking.
Stuff to look out for and test:
>As many crashes fixed as I could find.
>Archvile summon count bug fixed.
>New mod options menu layout, let me know what you think.
>BFG can be charged to fire 100 cells (4000 damage) in one shot by holding the fire button. Only ever does 2400 in one ball though, for balance reasons. Also it gives you 60 cells on pickup.
>BFG target selection is also a bit better to try to avoid hitting walls. Also the BFG balls technically noclip until they're close to targets but with the new aim logic you shouldn't notice it much.
>Pulse Rifle does 30, 40, or 50 damage per shot instead of 12d4 because it somehow didn't occur to me that you can miss with it a lot easier than with the BFG. Essentially, on average, it deals the same damage per cell as the BFG.
>Pulse rifle shots disappear faster after impact so you can see better.
>Rockets speed up a little quicker.
>BFG shots speed up a little quicker and have a higher max speed.
>Imp 2h melee does 40% less damage because it was a bit too powerful before.
>Cacodemons can't shoot back after a dodge when afraid.
>Cacodemon corpses are now 6 pixels lower so you can actually see over them a bit.
>Pistol does more damage and has a much higher pain chance on smaller enemies.
>Enemies can't sync/chain fire onto +BOSS enemies anymore during infighting, for balance purposes.
>Barons can't spam claps as hard
>Explosions can cause blood like hitscans (toggleable)

>> No.9276089 [View]
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Babel Update. News posts on itch are much easier to format than /vr/ posts, but here are the highlights
>Baron of Hell now shoots 3 projectiles per one-handed swipe, up from 2. Damage per ball 14d4 -> 9d4. Balls go straight after a delay like the cacodemon.
>New option in menu to remove quake effects, near the options to remove zoom and pitch/angle effects
>Fixed a bug that made shotgun/SSG damage not work entirely correctly when tracers were off
>Fixed a bug with deaf monsters going into fear when not awake yet but standing still while doing so
>Fixed an issue where chain-attacks could chain onto dead targets even though it was funny
>Addons are now possible, example addons available for download. Got some patches for Doom Zero, Ancient Aliens (thanks to the anon who gave me his flash frames), and a classic plasma rifle skin
>There is also a weapons only mod because someone asked for it and it wasn't too hard
>Bunch of other bugfixes and minor performance tweaks
Unless I go and rework all the fear values and how they work I'm not really planning another large update, but we'll see. Quote for news post >>9267887

>> No.9236921 [View]
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>spend literally all day working on the cover for my second volume of my webnovel
>literally adjusting kerning pixel by pixel like an autist

>finally decide to play doom
>figure out something I've been trying to do for a while now and failing at
So I'm pretty sure I've just created a jukebox pk3 that changes songs automatically when they end even when paused and doesn't ever desync. Still needs a script to preprocess the song files to tell the ZS when to change, but the timing is near-perfect as far as I can tell. If only I had put the same level of effort into adding a skip button and proper song display it would be great.
I'm kinda surprised that I haven't found any mods that already do this, but maybe I just didn't look in the right places.

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