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>> No.5087049 [View]
File: 41 KB, 465x500, Ershi-Deis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Interesting world based on eastern mythology that it spreads organically into the narrative
>Characters who go through emotional journies and have to overcome near constant sorrow and heartache
>some of the most unique and amazing dragon designs the series has to offer
>Fun battle system that allows you to use the entire party and string together combos learned from masters and foes

>> No.4888876 [View]
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3 references 1 a lot and Bleaus there too but she's back to being named Deis. Deis also shows up in 4 where she's at her most Deisy but also least snakey. She actually doesn't have a physical body to speak of at all in fact.

>> No.4758168 [View]
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That's the long and short of it. Fun fact, in Japanese, Ershin's name was changed from "Master." Which sort of made all the third person stand out a bit more when translated from Japanese and kind of gives away a lot more than would have been intended if left as is, so they changed it to "Ershin" meaning "Master" in the Imperial language.

The more I dig into it the more I realize what a colossal nightmare it must have been to work on IV's translation. Between stuff like this and all the Buddhism every which way, there's a lot of shit that requires more effort than just standard dialogue translations.


Here's a fun read.

>> No.4693692 [View]
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You'd guess wrong. Myria isn't even a real endless.

>> No.4495239 [View]
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Man I was so disappointed she wasn't playable in three. And that she maybe probably died ;_;

But then 4 went and added Ershin who is awesome and showed us Deis at admitidily her less Snakey but also her most Deisy. So that was super cool.

I read somewhere that in 5 Lin was meant to secretly be Deis or something which would have been interesting but maybe wouldn't really fit the story we actually got.

>> No.4356745 [View]
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I always enjoyed how various her roles are. Sometimes she's just a npc and other times she joins you. I thought her being a sort of guide for Ryu in IV was pretty cool.

>> No.4134907 [View]
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What spinoffs are there? All the games have a number in the title. And if you want to be a smartass I'm aware of that town sim they made for cellphones in the 2000's. Dragon Quarter is called "Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter" in Japan and, as sad as I am to say this, the mobile game is in fact called "Breath of Fire VI".

>> No.4059947 [View]
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The actual armor is given a male gender, obviously it went under a female identity when it assumed it and Deis were one entity. Technically it is genderless, it is living armor and more closely resembles a robot, but it assumes a male identity once it realizes it and Deis are separate beings.

>> No.2343848 [View]
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>I love III far more if anything then because the characters actually had some substance

No they didn't. 3's character where incredibly dull. The only ones that had any plot significance at all where Ryu and Garr. Nina was just their for traditions sake, Momo was useless she ended up getting overshadowed by her doll and Rei was a faggy edgelord with a catch phrase. Even the fucking Onion didn't have significance to the last seconds of the game.

4's cast where incredibly complex and nuanced by compassion. Ershin>>>>>>>>>Onion

>> No.2193543 [View]
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Fuck you.


You do realize that 4 is the first point in the series right? Deis wasn't always a snake person, that comes later.

>> No.1757982 [View]
File: 41 KB, 465x500, Ershi-Deis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Even though Deis clearly being from another world in IV and going on to call Myria her sister the matching snake theme is pretty cool complicates things.

Not really

see Deis needed a body remember she basically was stuck inside Ershin, so what if it was Yuna who made the snake body. Very much something to his tastes I might add.

He does this and uses her as a basis for Myria hence why she would consider her a sister

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