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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.8450192 [View]
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i will not rest until every spider mastermind in every wad on every difficulty is modded to have nightmare reaction and attack speed + exclusion from infighting + the ability to birth doom 64 arachnotrons whenever it isn't attacking

>> No.7048272 [View]
File: 357 KB, 499x410, f6975eed4b26c359f4c82aa408372bf0c0aa2e37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather we do the Plutonia clone we discussed a couple threads ago: "1000 Chaingunners of /vr/".

>> No.7018474 [View]
File: 357 KB, 499x410, 1565672733697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holy trinity of making challenging encounters without going slaughter is the chaingunner, revenant and archvile.
Chaingunners are high-danger hitscanners who force the player to take cover if they can't immediately take them out; placing them at enough of a distance that the player can't just SSG them encourages more diverse weapon usage, and placing them in conjunction with other, more immediately dangerous monsters allows you (the mapper) to control space by limiting the player to areas where they can't be hit, or otherwise force the player to prioritize the chaingunner while weaving around the other monsters.
Revenants remove the player's ability to just strafe through projectiles, and in conjunction with straightforward projectiles creates a much more dynamic field. Their high damage potential makes them similarly high profile targets as turrets, or as pursuing enemies due to their high speed. Their main weakness is the capacity to infight by steering their homing rockets, but you could use homogenous monster variety or place them separate from the other monsters to mitigate that if you want to.
Archvile is the highest-priority target in the majority of encounters you make, for reasons >>7018343 has said better than me.

Besides that:
Pinkies/spectres are good at controlling space; they're easy to avoid on their own but a group of them in conjunction with a high-health enemy like a baron/mancubus/etc. can force the player to ignore a more immediately dangerous enemy to thin the herd lest they be boxed in.
Shotgunners are burst damage, good tools to keep the player on their toes between larger fights or to apply less aggressive pressure than chaingunners. Zombiemen are generally not dangerous and can just be used as fodder, while imps provide larger danger in groups than either due to the lack of infighting. Groups are more dangerous in the early parts of levels if you withhold the SSG (always build your levels around pistol start primarily)

>> No.6768834 [View]
File: 357 KB, 499x410, plutonia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, that's a pretty damn good piece of advice for multiple reasons. Keeping yourself in the player's shoes by experiencing maps first hand, exploring what elements you do and don't like, figuring how an author pulled off a specific trap etc.

I'm about halfway through and it's a great read so far. Thanks, anon.

Noticed that a lot playing through some megawads. The situations that really stuck out weren't really mowing down crowds, but facing a challenging room with a relatively low amount of enemies. Maybe it starts with an encounter idea and the layout builds itself from there.

>> No.6415620 [View]
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>MAP12 of Eternal DOOM
I have now hit the point of "fuck it I'm using the wiki." Fucking EIGHT switches you have to just remember the position of as you play through the level and then backtrack toward at the end. The level was cool up to that point at least, especially aesthetically, but goddamn even though I knew what I was getting into this is still more than I expected for MAP12 of a 32-map project.

>> No.6394963 [View]
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What are some good mapsets for cooperative games?

>> No.5953645 [View]
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>> No.5805863 [View]
File: 357 KB, 499x410, f6975eed4b26c359f4c82aa408372bf0c0aa2e37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Esselfortium goes by Sarrah these days

is he still a mod at doomworld?

>> No.5698203 [View]
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>> No.5614691 [View]
File: 357 KB, 499x410, 1540096070877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the autist meltdown reminds me of the backlash about TNT Evilution not being free. After a few years, they stopped being butthurt and remembered it as a classic

>> No.5509937 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 357 KB, 499x410, 1555552862406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now do plutonia

>> No.5114565 [View]
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