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>> No.10532584 [View]
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The pillars are right before the transition point to the last third of the game, and things do get way more streamlined from there - but yeah, that part specifically is total dogshit, and requires junk like talking to that one mutant tribe elder from 6h prior with no indication, or getting through a really obnoxious stat check that itself probably requires really wonky setup.

So quick tips for any newbies coming in here, to save yourself tons of frustration:
-Gaeans / Messians can be recruited by chucking money at them for 30+ turns and are TOTAL bros; they wildcard fusions and can break the level cap for outputs, plus don't cost magnetite to keep on hand.
-Make sure to MANUALLY NAME CHARACTERS YOURSELF WHENEVER ASKED; You can use the defaults, just so long as YOU type it in.
-Make your Heroine PHYS FOCUSED; total waste otherwise.
-De-emphasize VIT, aim for a MANDATORY 10INT by level ~25, and GET AT LEAST 7MAG by level ~30 - that's where it's boostable with drinks to get the necessary 10, though getting the moon cycle to play nice in a way where you can actually reach the needed area in time is kinda unintuitive.
-And also, if you're planning on playing the super hidden, super minor postgame dungeon - KEEP A SLOT 2 SAVE FILE FROM *RIGHT* AFTER LUCIFER (or right before, for Lawfags), AND BE AT OR NEAR 30 FUCKING LUCK WITHOUT EQUIPMENT BOOSTS. I had my postgame entirely pulled out from under me when I realized I'd have to grind out 7 levels of luck to finally see the fiends, and even with emulator speedups it took like an hour. Can't imagine how mad I'd be if I didn't happen to have a good save to fall back on.
-And, uh... also remember to return and activate the holytown terminal after your initial exploration. You probably will, but *I* forgot it was there and might've spent 80% of the game assuming the devs just didn't give you one. Can't tell you how annoying it was walking back and forth like a retard.

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