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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10300034 [View]
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Tomb Raider essayist here. Just dropping in cuz I was curious if my successful catapulting of Tomb Raider threads still lasted.

Seems like it did.

Honestly I could write essays responding to OP's post, but I'd be so right, and either get such an unsatisfactory response, or be ignored for him to respond to easier to shut down arguments. I'd just like to say...I don't know why OP is even making a thread about this before reaching Lost Valley or St.Francis Folly? Despite the earlier levels being much smaller, there's NEVER wasted space, and it's just for the sake of engaging with the core aspect of the games; Lara's unique movement, and becoming comfortable with them.

If you can't appreciate Tomb Raider by St.Francis Folly, I'd reckon you're just too stupid to appreciate it in the first place. I mean, you're already coming at it with preconceptions tainted with biased words like "it's stupidly slow" so I think that says more than enough about what type of guy you are.

I never enter games with preconceptions, unless they're from, or related to the same series of games, and even then, I'll look for some unique aspect that have to offer. If you constantly prime yourself negatively for something, then you're engaging less with the actual thing, and more with the fact of it not matching your arbitrary expectations. I'm glad I don't engage with games so narrowly and ignorantly generally, because I've seen some people COMPLETELY miss the point of some of my favourite games before and the idea of missing out on a unique experience because of prebaked perceptions, sounds sorrowful for enjoying videogames.

Peace yo.

>> No.10186986 [View]
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>Just ignore him. Good question though
kek and as soon as I submit my big paragraph, somebody comes in to prove my point kehehe

>I actually agree with the other anon too. I love the look of the London levels (except maybe Aldwich). I like that some elements are unidentifiable, as you mentionned, and are more evocative rather than literal. If I had to choose I'd pick Thames Wharf. It is colorful yet eerie, almost dreamlike. >>10186893 illustrates this very well. Post some more please! I was surprised at how good these games still look when I replayed them recently. They really nailed the art direction. Especially in TR3/4

...and then proves my point again that the only way people can contribute to discussion on here is by talking about surface level things like how they subjectively interpreted how something looks... *sigh* sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with programmed robots here that can't think outside of their predetermined coded processes. eh whatever this has always been the case throughout history huh? I'm not gunna act like I'm some great thinker, but how many times have you heard of scientists and philosophers trying to share their works with the wider public or their friends and family and getting, shut down, ignored, or dismissed (and sometimes even locked up) because they just can't and won't get it.

I'll even demean myself a bit. the same used to happen back when anime was considered for losers, or nerd culture was unpopular, or the mentally ill, and poor, artists, authors, how many stories have you heard of something was casted outward and aside, turning on its head and arbitrarily becoming popular later on? It's all so arbitrary and pointless, so meaningless. Nobody has the self awareness to ever keep this in mind.

Alright. Time to go play some games :D

>> No.10141402 [View]
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I think I've dealt with him sufficiently enough. The fact he has no counter and can only say "IM NOT TAKING YOU SERIOUS SO WHAT YOU SAY MUST BE INVALID!" when that's a subjective judgment that implies bias and has been used often in the past to dismiss valid claims that would challenge popular belief (most famously galileo) and I could name dozens more, but people think science is most objective, so it's the most convenient analogy.

It's a bit annoying coming on here and arguing with so many people that don't even understand the basics of engagement and argument. But atleast it allows me to sharpen my arguments and dissect red herrings and logical fallacies for future convos. Back to playing Tomb Raider now tho! Peace

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