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>> No.10892424 [View]
File: 162 KB, 793x593, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem with my "xd2" Quake 1 map. While playtesting, I noticed that something strange was going on.

At first, it was just minor glitches—textures failing to load, walls clipping, or odd camera angles. But soon, things got weird. I'd enter a room, and everything seemed fine, but the moment I turned around, the walls would change. Passages I had just walked through vanished, replaced by solid walls or entirely new hallways. Doors that should have led back to other areas now opened into dark, cavernous spaces that I didn't recognize.

The monsters were another problem. Sometimes they behaved as expected, but other times, they seemed almost sentient. Shamblers walked through walls as if they were air, and sometimes they would freeze in place. On a few occasions, I faced invisible enemies.

I tried everything to understand the problem. I restarted the map, reloaded the game, even rebuilt the entire level from scratch. But each time, the same glitches reappeared, and each time, they seemed to get worse.

One night, in a desperate attempt to understand what was happening, I activated cheat codes and turned on "noclip," allowing me to move through walls and explore the map without restrictions. I hoped this would reveal the source of the problem—perhaps a broken trigger or a misplaced entity. But it only made things stranger.

As I drifted through walls, the map shifted around me. Rooms rearranged themselves, and corridors twisted and turned as if the map had a will of its own. I tried to reach the silver key, but it kept moving, always just out of reach. And when I tried to backtrack, the walls had closed in behind me, trapping me in a labyrinth of constantly changing geometry.

It's not a creepypasta—it's a sort of strange buggy map that reacts in a way I've never seen before.

link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2n289ltgmdps883/xd2.zip/file

It doesn't contain any viruses; it's just a strange map.

Can anyone understand the problem?

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