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>> No.10550581 [View]
File: 201 KB, 800x600, This kills the franchise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad.
Krystal got worse in every game until they decided to throw her body in a trashcan and light it on fire.

>> No.10094953 [View]
File: 201 KB, 800x600, This kills the franchise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is an abomination. Dinosaur Planet was her only passable role, then she became a pinup harlot in Adventures with a used porno pole as a desperate way to reel in hornboys. I'm convinced gaynoculars were in the game solely so you can upskirt her. Only good thing she did was giving our lonely hardworking Fox some much-needed poontang after the game (oh it was cutely implied, but the cut line about kissing means everyone in the room sure as shit knows she'll at least be taking his dick in her mouth that night). Come Adventures and wow, she's still around and got worse. She not only replaces Peppy "Motherfucker" Hare, but she's sub-Slippy. Literally all she does is get herself into worse situations than Slippy, who is at least useful in this game and develops a bit. All she does is go "Focks" with bedroomeyes, no one points out she's obviously sleeping with him. Her mere presence in the story proves that she is a danger to herself and others. Her important scene is to telepathically receive a distress call from Sauria again, right? So they go and barely manage to save a handful of dumbfuck dinos that really should've died off millions of years ago from their own dumbfuckery (hell in Adventures no one but Krystal gave a shit about these pathetic backwards creatures, it was always 'wtf why's a fucking planet falling apart like some shitty Andross experiment'). Then..OOPS! TURNS OUT THIS DISTRACTION WAS JUST WHAT APAROIDS NEEDED TO DECIMATE CORNERIA-FUCKING-CITY! THAT'S RIGHT, IF KRYSTAL WASN'T THERE TO STAND AROUND AND LOOK PRETTY LIKE A VAPID WHORE MILLIONS MORE LIVES WOULD'VE BEEN SAVED! APAROIDS DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT DINOFUCK PLANET AFTER ALL, THIS WAS JUST TO LURE FOX AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM CIVILIZATION! That, my friends, is why she sucks ASS. And this isn't even getting into the unwarranted emotional abuse she suddenly pulls on Fox in Command, like holy shit if you defend her actions in that game you have to be a retard from a broken home.

>> No.10015552 [View]
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It's not similar to 64, it's a watered down retread of it. There are no branching paths, its a linear level to level progression. I guess people say it's like 64 because it hits a lot of the same beats, like Corneria being under attack, Katt and Star Wolf showing up, etc., and while it isn't exactly the same, it's all very familiar, too familiar to be interesting. Which is a shame because for all the risks they took making the controls unique, they fell back on the same tropes we've seen before when it comes to the world and lore. And this was given to a fanbase that was already weary of reboots/remakes.

This game is bogged down by gimmicks. Not just the motion controls, but the chicken walker which controls about as well as it's counterpart on the SNES, despite literal years of third person shooter knowledge that could have simplified things. Also a Hovercopter with a deployable ROB robot to do a hacking/infiltration style mission, which sounds neat on paper, but plays like guiding a tank into a garage.

And perhaps the worst thing that killed this game is that there is no multiplayer. There's a co-op mode for the single player campaign that allows one player the flight controls and the other the motion controls for the shooting. An incredibly lame replacement for the splitscreen, or even online deathmatch that fans would actually use. But hey, you based your entire game around using the features of a gimmicky gamepad, and you're going to run into restrictions like this. But it came at the cost of Star Fox's name, and Miyamoto's credibility.

In summary, Zero was a massive dissapointment and a prime example of wasted potential. Despite the pic I've posted, Star Fox is dead because of incompetent devs, not because of le blue coom fox.

>> No.9908059 [View]
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She is an abomination. Dinosaur Planet was her only passable role, then she became a pinup harlot in Adventures with a used porno pole as a desperate way to reel in hornboys. I'm convinced gaynoculars were in the game solely so you can upskirt her. Only good thing she did was giving our lonely hardworking Fox some much-needed poontang after the game (oh it was cutely implied, but the cut line about kissing means everyone in the room sure as shit knows she'll at least be taking his dick in her mouth that night). Come Adventures and wow, she's still around and got worse. She not only replaces Peppy "Motherfucker" Hare, but she's sub-Slippy. Literally all she does is get herself into worse situations than Slippy, who is at least useful in this game and develops a bit. All she does is go "Focks" with bedroomeyes, no one points out she's obviously sleeping with him. Her mere presence in the story proves that she is a danger to herself and others. Her important scene is to telepathically receive a distress call from Sauria again, right? So they go and barely manage to save a handful of dumbfuck dinos that really should've died off millions of years ago from their own dumbfuckery (hell in Adventures no one but Krystal gave a shit about these pathetic backwards creatures, it was always 'wtf why's a fucking planet falling apart like some shitty Andross experiment'). Then..OOPS! TURNS OUT THIS DISTRACTION WAS JUST WHAT APAROIDS NEEDED TO DECIMATE CORNERIA-FUCKING-CITY! THAT'S RIGHT, IF KRYSTAL WASN'T THERE TO STAND AROUND AND LOOK PRETTY LIKE A VAPID WHORE MILLIONS MORE LIVES WOULD'VE BEEN SAVED! APAROIDS DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT DINOFUCK PLANET AFTER ALL, THIS WAS JUST TO LURE FOX AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM CIVILIZATION! That, my friends, is why she sucks ASS. And this isn't even getting into the unwarranted emotional abuse she suddenly pulls on Fox in Command, like holy shit if you defend her actions in that game you have to be a retard from a broken home.

>> No.6912187 [View]
File: 201 KB, 800x600, This kills the franchise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really are seething over Miyamoto for the wrong reasons. Don't forget that during the same time, he made another creative decision for another developer, and that game turned out to be Metroid Prime. Are you going to credit him for that? No, nor should you, because he was a corporate exec being a corporate exec, and didn't really work on either game beyond that. Rare might have had Star Fox imposed upon them, but they still made a mediocre game, and that's on them. If you want an example of Miyamoto damaging the Star Fox franchise beyond repair, Star Fox Zero exists.

>> No.1383661 [View]
File: 201 KB, 800x600, How to ruin a franchise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Starfox would have been like if Krystal wasn't retooled for the franchise, other than cutting down drastically on the furry porn

>> No.1218052 [View]
File: 201 KB, 800x600, How to ruin a franchise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to agree, but Assault was enjoyable in spite of its length. Wish I never got rid of my copy. And story aside, I actually enjoyed Command. Not /vr/, I know.

Accepting that they repurposed DP for the Starfox series, it's not a horrible game. Ironically, the arwing sections were the worst part of the game. Plus the finale was totally ruined by it's association with SF, you're all set to lay the hurt on Gen.Scales, and then NOPE, Andross. Such a copout.

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