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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10990158 [View]
File: 82 KB, 640x447, Shenmue 2 clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kind of had a survival mode with the 100 man battle, but yeah.
The game was very light on action, which I think turned off a lot of people. I loved it, but I really do accept the game isn't for everyone.
Funnily enough I think it would fare better in this day and age where people love games that are less action heavy. It does the adventuring really well, and the immersion is much better than a lot of today's games that pride themselves on being 'story rich' or whatever. Things like NPCs giving verbal directions with landmarks was seen as newsworthy in RDR 2 but was done in Shenmue 1 & 2 back in 99/2000.

>> No.10162601 [View]
File: 82 KB, 640x447, Shenmue 2 clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's very minor changes to the PC ports, but for the most part they're extremely faithful which is fantastic.
If you've got the original hardware and games, just play those. You get neat little VMU touches (moves display inputs when you're learning for example) and you can access the passport discs which weren't ported to the PC versions unfortunately.
Just remember to enjoy them for what they are. A lot of people go in expecting Yakuza, but it's really nothing like that. Much more of an adventure style game with following leads and exploring.
They're really beautiful games, so I hope you enjoy!

>> No.9674180 [View]
File: 82 KB, 640x447, Shenmue 2 clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike movieshit too, but agree that Shenmue has something different about it.
For me it's the fact that Shenmue genuinely feels more freeform and open, even if it's mostly smoke and mirrors. There's no map markers or arrows, hell in S1 there's not even maps apart from looking at the big city maps on signs. The fact you have to talk to people to get directions like "go to the end of the street and turn left at the butcher shop" makes a huge difference to the immersion.
This also extends to the plot progression where you can talk to multiple people to get results, often intuitive moves reward you ie: speaking to your friend who has a motorbike about tattoos and bikers, or going to the Yakuza office and asking them about tattoos etc.
There's little things too like the combat being genuinely fun, even if it's a bit easy. The details like your moves visually changing as you get better is something I've never seen in another game to this day, and it's a real shame. I loved seeing Mud Spider go from a very basic knee kick to a handspring head kick as Ryo gets more proficient at it. AND it's all done through training and sparring, not dumping XP into certain values.
It's a lot more than the sum of its parts, and I think it's a great game.
This is not even mentioning the music, graphics and art direction which are all among my favourite in video games too.

>> No.9554008 [View]
File: 82 KB, 640x447, Shenmue 2 clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a gamble that didn't pay off, BUT people put too much emphasis on it making back the budget alone.
A lot of money was spent on tech as well IIRC, and that (as well as experience of making these types of games) was carried over into future projects too.
So yes it looks particularly bad on paper (and in reality was definitely not a success) but there's more to it. Not to mention the idea wasn't to make the money back in one or two games, but to launch a franchise, so they intended to take a loss on the early games in the hope it would be a 'Final Fantasy' series for them. Shame it didn't pan out, Shenmue 1 and 2 were really cool. 3 got some things right, but mostly didn't live up to the previous games.
I think the Dreamcast would have been finished regardless though.

>> No.9224173 [View]
File: 82 KB, 640x447, sgeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any 3D retro game like Shenmue where you walk around talk to people?

>> No.9020757 [View]
File: 82 KB, 640x447, Shenmue 2 clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the source of everything wrong and terrible about modern games.
I actually think that this is not true at all. If it is, it's because people took the wrong things from Shenmue 1 & 2 (including Shenmue 3).
Shenmue had no way-point markers and was all about talking to people for actual directions (like 'Go to the end of the street, turn left at the ramen shop). The map in Shenmue 2 was great too, buying maps for each area and then marking it with your own pencils, players making their own decision and codes for different colours instead of just slapping a waypoint for them to follow.
QTEs were all somewhat logical (press the kick button to kick someone, press left to move left, etc) and not arbitrary 'press a random button to not die'. Importantly, they also weren't instant-kill failures, but usually had branching paths.
Shenmue featured a small, but very detailed world in both 1 & 2, letting you talk to people for information, find fun mini games like the arcade machines or street-fights and lucky hit. Instead of following this path, most games just go 'BIG' maps and make them empty or have generic collectibles or 'check-list' tasks instead.
Shenmue also had some varied ways of solving a task (although limited), where you could get different results and paths by talking to different people, but all were logical. Think about finding Charlie and only knowing he was a criminal and had tattoos. You could talk to the bikies, to the Yakuza office, or to your friend who owned a bar etc and all would have their own information to provide to you. It's not a case of just 'find the ONE person who is scripted to progress the story'.
Also, the combat was really fun, even if it was too easy. I have to point out that instead of just getting XP to make the number go up, you actually trained and sparred, and by doing the same moves over and over they would even have animation changes and become more effective/look cooler. I prefer that to just getting 'XP'

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