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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.2218373 [View]
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>Heart of Evil
Apocalypse Now meets Resident Evil. Very goofy and tongue in cheek, LOTS of item-hunting and backtracking for the puzzles, and corraling the AI buddies can be a pain, but it's action packed and I enjoy exploring the huge sprawling maps. The new weapons and sounds are great, too.

>Half-Life: Invasion
Basically a string of set pieces, but probably the best scripted events and effects in any mod. Excellent mapping quality too.

>Sweet Half-Life
Another one that's all about the awesome set pieces, including a really cool boss fight. Mapping is kind of ugly, things are oversized, and it's a little buggy, but a lot of cool moments.

>Point of View
The one where you play as a vortigaunt. Level design isn't so hot (lots of copypaste corridors) and combat is limited, but it's so different it's worth playing.

Already mentioned, but it's damn pretty for GoldSrc.

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