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>> No.10529019 [View]
File: 710 KB, 1228x656, GasTrimmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grenade mod anon here,
Added basic functionality for HE, Frag, Plasma (halo sticky like), Flashbang, Ice, Direct Damage (thrown knife basically), Big Fucking Bomb, Explode-on-contact, Gas, and Cluster grenades. Still need to work on a version of that HL1 grenade, as well as some sort of electrical grenade.
About to start in on mines. Anything anyone wants besides remote, proximity, and trip varities? I think I might make a plasma fountain mine by abusing A_Mushroom a bit. Also considered a bear-trap mine of sorts.
Additionally going to probably revisit remote detonator bombs at some point. Considering a explosive sheep ripoff from worms. Open to other ideas.

As an aside, does anyone know how to make an actor face the normal direction from a surface? I'd like to have turret mines that could land on walls, but they'd need to face out. I'm also wondering if I can do something like mentioned here >>10526137 and have them face the player?

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