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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.9119841 [View]
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This sort of channel is always going to produce diminishing returns at some point because there's really only so many shitty retro games out there to do episodes on, and eventually you have to drudge up incredibly obscure shit or start ranting about how Final Fantasy 15 sucks which just isn't as fun because modern games, fucked as they may be, have too much money behind them to throw out pure fucking horseshit on the level of cheetahmen or corpse killer.

He really fucked up by doing episodes on consoles instead of individual games. The Jaguar and 3DO could have been a gold mine of content but instead he got one whole episode out of each of them.

>> No.8991884 [View]
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It wasn't really a good game, plebs fell for the prerendered meme and convinced themselves the gameplay was better than it was

>> No.8291546 [View]
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>You can fully break the game, by abusing the card system and going low level, this requires hours of tedious card playing, carding of enemies, refining items so you can refine magic into better magic, and the end result is you get to a point where you intentionally ignore the entire gameplay aspect of the game outside of forced boss fights which you 1 shot anyway.

Except you don't have to break the game, you can play a moderate amount of cards to get a few key mods, get enc-none in disk 1 and then play though the story acquiring what you need mostly from boss fights and exploration, which is really fun and makes the pacing so much better. Nothing says you have to sit in place and stockpile spells until you're OP

I've said it before and I'll say it again, a low-level, no-enc card-based run of FFVIII is one of the most enjoyable experiences the franchise has to offer, you just have to check your autism occasionally and remind yourself you can keep playing through the story even if you haven't stockplied 99 ultimas and maxed out every stat. If you unnecessarily spend hours breaking the game just to complain about how boring it is afterwards, that's on you.

>> No.8192653 [View]
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>now you start playing the shit out of the card game
>there's plenty of FAQ's that get into it, I'll just say you can get almost everything you need in Balamb garden which has very simple rules and plenty of high-level cards available thanks to the CC group sidequest
>don't fuck with the queen of cards yet
>go ahead and play wherever you go but be very fucking careful about combining rules unless you know what you're doing, accidentally spreading random can fuck your shit up good, saving before doing anything is always the best bet
>use your rare cards to beat the shit out of other players, mod low-level cards for items
>use magic refinement skills to convert items into magic
>junction magic to stats
>characters are now much more powerful despite being relatively low level
>this is much more effective than grinding since enemies scale to your level
>play through game enjoying leisurely pace and kino cutscenes
>realize it's actually the best FF

>> No.7322530 [View]
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One thing the reboot did right was including the original games as unlockable bonuses. That should honestly be obligatory for any remake of an 8 or 16-bit game considering how little space they take up.

>> No.7208907 [View]
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As far as the SNES version is concerned it's hardly an issue since the game isn't that difficult. Grind until Rosa can cast holy and you're good to go. Also, all the drops in the last dungeon are specific to the final party anyway.

>> No.6555747 [View]
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>Unironically an Atari 2600
>honestly can't remember

>> No.6347773 [View]
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Most of the minis run fine, autists just like to nitpick so they can have something to feel superior about in their otherwise empty lives

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