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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.6306661 [View]
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Wow there's so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin.

> The petition in question is to bring back classic Lara as a character, not necessarily to revive the wonky controls and cheap one hit deaths of the original games.
No, the petition itself is completely in reference to the play style of the originals. You'd have to be a batshit inbred retard to believe other-wise, seeing as the nu-trilogy is just hubworlds interspersed between long, narrow, cut-scene-ridden, set-piece designed, cover shooting corridors. When people say "Bring back classic Lara", they mean not being explicitly guided along corridors with occasional QTE's as gameplay. They want genuine platforming where they have full control over Lara. They want to be able to perform some level of acrobatics instead of fumbling and crashing into everything like a clutz. As for the controls of the original games, they were only "wonky" if you were a spastic dipshit who somehow didn't have the IQ to correlate the direction Lara was facing with the directional Pad controls. She moved fluidly, realistically, and consistently. You could predict how she would land, what she would do all with relative ease. THAT is what people loved and why her games sold millions-gang-busters. Quit pretending like it wasn't.

>TR games actually have decently fun TPS mechanics
Cool, but Tomb Raider was never a Third Person Shooter, it was an action adventure platforming puzzle solver. It's why she automatically targeted enemies, and aiming at them was last. She wasn't Duke Nukem, she was Indiana Jones.

>She's a shite writer and she only got the job because of nepotism.
That I can agree with.

>> No.6258784 [View]
File: 317 KB, 3664x1644, 1583960081390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the text.

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