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>> No.9846420 [View]
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Tell me about it.

>> No.9755814 [View]
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I don't give a shit about what you think of Hideo Kojima as a game designer or writer, but Jeremy Blaustein and Agness Kaku still bitching about him with passive aggressive digs years after they were both ghosted from further games in the series is bitch-ass ingrate behavior and only vindicates Kojima in my eyes for choosing not to work with them again. And I'm saying this as some one who prefers the vanilla MGS1 translation over Twin Snakes.

>> No.9210275 [View]
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This is certainly not a way for a localizer who supposedly respects the original creator to behave.

>> No.9185749 [View]
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He's a good translator for what its worth, but he also wants people to see him as a creator on his own instead of just the intermediary that he actually was. Admittedly, a lot of people tend to dismiss Guy Cihi's account of things due to his weird beliefs, but all you need to do to realize how petty Blaustein is just listen to the few podcast interviews he has done where he downplays other people's involvement when it comes to the success of the games he worked on while throwing other people on the bus when it suits him (such as the case in Symphony of the Night dub, where he blames the voice director for his shitty screenwriting).

Also, he still has a chip on his shoulder at Kojima for not returning his calls and hiring another translation agency to do all the Metal Gear games after MGS1.

>> No.9093221 [DELETED]  [View]
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Case in point.

>> No.8994639 [View]
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>Shut up, you liar.
He deleted his old Twitter account, so all the receipts are gone, but the fact that Blaustein has a chip on his shoulder against Kojima for not hiring him back after MGS1 and using a different translation agency is not a secret.

>> No.8909916 [View]
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Agness Kaku: "MGS2 has a garbage story and Kojima is not a true writer who wouldn't last a day in the TV writers meeting room!"
Also Agness Kaku: "ASHTUALLY! Everything good about MGS2 was becausse of ME! The Japanese was not as good. Trust me, you dumb EOP!"

Also, fuck Jeremy Blaustein for encouraging this stupid bitch too. No wonder he got ghosted after MGS1.

>> No.8702787 [View]
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Kojima attracts so many unhinged people for some reason.

>> No.8653693 [View]
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Obligatory. Imagined getting the opportunity of working on one of the most ambitious and critically acclaimed games of all time and instead of being grateful at the original director, you decide to take potshots and passive-aggressive digs at him because you acted like a jackass to your coworkers and they decided to ghost you for the sequel.

>> No.8607618 [View]
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At least Ted Woolsey is honest about being a hack. The worst thing a translator can do is trash the original author and act like he's the only reason why a work was good.

>> No.8590737 [View]
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What is it about Kojimbles that makes so many people seethe? He's one of the few successful game designers from the 80's still active in game development, but everyone is always trying to trivialize or diminish his accomplishments.
>Kojima was never that good.
>There this one obscure PC game that did stealth before Metal Gear
>It was this obscure CODEC writer who made MGS1-3 good.
Even the localizers want to claim credit for MGS.

Castle Wolfenstein and...

>> No.8577325 [View]
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This seems to be a common trait among video game localizers.
>Translate someone else's work
>Trash the original creator in front of impressionable EOPs while acting you should be given equal billing.
>Get surprised when they ghost you in favor of another translator who doesn't act like a spaz in social media.

>> No.8563176 [View]
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I lost all respect for both, Blaustein and Kaku, when I saw them how denigrate/trivialize Kojima's work on Twitter. It's one thing to complain about being ghosted and not being invited back to work on the sequel, but to act as if you should be treated as a co-author of a game when you were just translating another man's work is the creative equivalent of stolen valor. I have no doubt Blaustein was ghosted because of how much of an asshole he is.

>> No.8533468 [View]
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I would have no qualms about Blaustein and Kaku if they were at least more humble about getting their compensations. Instead they act like they should be on equal billing with Kojima just for translating or localizing his work while calling him a hack at the same time. And then they wonder why they got ghosted.

Also, I'm pretty sure Twin Snakes is still 90% Blaustein's script, they just changed a few lines here and there.

>> No.8438857 [View]
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Blaustein simply got salty because he got ghosted for another translation after MGS1 and onward. Satoshi Hirano, who supervised the localization of all the Metal Gear games since MGS1, went with INTAC (another translation agency) since Blaustein was notoriously difficult to work with, but also because he was friends with INTAC's president. As for Kaku, she's just full of herself (I don't remember her ever saying anything nice about the people who employed her).

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