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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.4923242 [View]
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Technically, literally anything you do with anybody else's copyrighted work, be it fanfiction, fanart, or videos featuring them, is illegal by definition. You cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, say that piracy is wrong while continuing to support the previous infringes, because they are all caught under the same banner. In the real world, outside the courts, copyright is a grey area governed more than anything by common sense.

And common sense says that this isn't going to slow down pirates, and it's not going to make the tiniest bit of difference in their bottom line considering barely ~5% of their consumers pirate their products, and that's being generous. All this is accomplishing is making Nintendo looking like even bigger totalitarian dickheads than before, which is saying a lot.

Nintendo's arguments essentially boil down to
>you're not paying directly for our intellectual property
>therefore it's a loss of opportunity cost
>you're taking away our theoretical money which likely never would have existed anyway

For all the shit Sony puts Youtubers through with its DMCA takedowns, Nintendo does that and so much more. With an actual fucking lawsuit (not a DMCA takedown, they are actually being taken to court), and Nintendo's fucktarded "Creators Program", they have demonstrated just how out of touch they are with the modern world.

You don't fight piracy by suing them and ruining their lives, and making yourself look like an asshole. You fight it by offering a better service. And nickel-and-diming your consumers to pay $5 for every fucking 30-year-old piece of software, with no enhancements, no ability to use romhacks or even fantranslations, and locking them to the specific piece of hardware you buy them on without the ability to play them across all devices without having to pay a fee IS NOT A BETTER FUCKING SERVICE.

Sony, Microsoft, even major movie corporations like Disney all understand this. Yet you don't. Kill yourselves and GTFO the industry.

>> No.4905316 [View]
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>putting OoT above MM
>putting LA above ALBW

>> No.4878854 [View]
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You're missing the point, you fucking retards.

I'm not arguing against a hard mode that does these things. I welcome it in fact. I'm arguing against such things being the normal difficulty, which is what people were calling for before.

In case I have to spell it out for you in plain letters, let me do so since you're so fucking dense:
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine
>having a satisfying hard mode in a Mega Man game is fine

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