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>> No.8166931 [View]
File: 450 KB, 1920x1080, Doom 2 MAP01 in Heretic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played any Hexen mods, but Elf Gets Pissed for Heretic is a nice episode replacement WAD. There's also this mod that lets Heretic load Doom WADs:
You give it Heretic as the -iwad argument, and any number of Doom WADs (Doom, Sigil, and Doom II) followed by HereticMTOBase.pk3 and HereticMTOTopLoad.wad as the -file arguments.

I have a shortcut that runs
>gzdoom -iwad heretic.wad -file doom.wad SIGIL_v1_21.wad doom2.wad HereticMTOBase.pk3 HereticMTOTopLoad.wad
and the Ultimate Doom episodes, Sigil, and "doom2 stages" all show up in the episode selection menu. Sigil is interesting because there are a lot of doors opened by shooting those eyeballs with hitscan weapons, and Heretic has a lot more non-hitscan weapons than Doom. Don't run out of wand ammo, I guess. It also works for some unofficial Doom WADs, but I think it only knows how to replace default Doom 1+2 assets, so if you try to load something like Eviternity you'll just get fucked-up textures.

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