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>> No.4057887 [View]
File: 194 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20170614_000809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out if you aggro a cyber with a couple of grenades, then lure him into a machinegun crossfire where you hammer him with your carbine, he can actually die like a bitch.

The Final Doom part of PSX Doom ends kind of abruptly by the way, most of the PSX release of Final Doom was a bunch of the Master Levels (most which aren't very fun/interesting), then they tack on a few of the TNT levels, some of the nicer ones, then very few of the Plutonia levels, the least interesting/fun ones. Pic related is seriously the final map, they never get into any of the really crazy or fun shit that Plutonia does, bit of a disappointment.

I mean I know there's no Arch-Vile, so they couldn't do Hunted in any way that would be particularly good or challenging, but there's a lot more to Plutonia than Arch-Viles

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