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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.8387230 [View]
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yeah. I normally wouldn't dare pay that kind of ridiculous money for a CRT but honestly? This is as good as it gets nowadays and if i ever want one, i either get one now and bite the bullet or have to wait a year and a half before one that's worth getting pops up around here for at least double that price. People are paying 900 bucks for 2130QMs and i got mine for 200 a few years back. It's utterly retarded.

I do agree on getting consumer CRTs (that's why i want one asap, they're GOAT) but in EU they don't have component input, which is retarded. Reason why i want a BVM 2010p, but good luck with that.
Disclaimer, i do have a couple of VERY LOW HOURS, VERY WELL KEPT NTSC component-capable consumer crts (trinitron and a quintrix) but those are in my rents' vacation home in south america and it'll be years before i can go back there, let alone bring them back to italy, but at the very least they're under my possession. I took pic related on one (just for the lulz so pardon the quality)
I blame reddit for the current state of the market, i think i can't hate that fucking website and its faggot users more than i already do then time passes and i invariably hate it even more.
I just hope i can get a decent candy cab before the end of the world so i can wait until a meteor kills us all playing daioujou and ketsui all day long.

I keep being surprised at how much the death of this technology bothers me and how much i want to save what i can by squandering unjustifiable amounts of money at buying cabinets and such just so i can have them and not have them be dismantled.

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