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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.11484898 [View]
File: 258 KB, 645x599, how do i make dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the best one
The LCD game!

The first two games are quite simple beat em ups, the gameplay isn't anything special, but the audiovisuals are very good and the games just have great splatter horror charm. They're humble games in the best way possible, the title is Splatterhouse, and goddamn it that's EXACTLY what you're getting.
The third one is more complex and ambitious, with higher production values, and has some of the most disgusting pixel monsters and pixel gore I've seen to this day. As a whole, the series has some very underrated music.

The reboot is not a half bad game. I wish it'd get a digital re-release with fixed bugs and stuff. Very unlikely to happen, unless maybe Namco decides to make a complete Splatterhouse collection some day.

American studio, but while most of the studio were willing to learn what the original games were and make what Namco was asking for, the lead dev was a turbofaggot who constantly tried to derail the game into something else, so it's this not quite finished and somewhat schizophrenic mess.
The entire studio folded because of this because Namco finally lost their shit at the game going in circles and the lead dev going behind their backs at every single turn. The game almost didn't come out at all, but Namco gave it one more shot and rehired everyone except the lead dev, to try to piece together what they had into a complete game.

If the lead dev had been hit by a bus early on in development, then the reboot game would probably have been remembered as a pretty solid one, and the studio wouldn't have closed down (at least not then). Probably not completely perfect, but much more complete, authentic, and consistent, and not even a fraction as buggy.

>> No.11135862 [View]
File: 258 KB, 645x599, how do i make dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a simple man, so I say Splatterhouse.

>> No.9563542 [View]
File: 258 KB, 645x599, 14515387_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean like a personal arcade, then I'd want these.
>Puyo Puyo
>Puyo Puyo 2
>Some manner of bespoke adaption of Splatterhouse 2 and 3 into some kind of arcade hardware, I don't fucking know how, but it will be done
>then probably also a bespoke Doom cabinet running a bespoke fork of Woof! or DSDA with score and extra lives, and with a custom levelset built around a faster arcade experience
>Time Crisis cabinets
>House Of The Dead cabinets
>Virtua Cop cabinets
>After Burner
>Paper Boy
>Final Fight
>probably try to adapt Final Fight 2 and 3 like previously mentioned examples
>Street Fighter 2 Turbo
>Killer Instinct
>Operation Wolf
>Lucky & Wild
>Zero Wing
>Bubble Bobble
Also add some cool pinball tables, an airhockey table, and a pool table.

>> No.2650249 [View]
File: 258 KB, 645x599, 14515387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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