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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.8140838 [View]
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Except that we knew what video games looked like. We just accepted box art as part of the fantasy we were buying into. We also had (and used) our imaginations, which were a really big part of the experience. That comic reads like something written by a young person who doesn't have the perspective required to understand the era, mostly due to not being alive for it. We accepted the media as it came. We didn't say, "Man, this game sucks right now because in, like, thirty years games are probably going to be so much cooler." And I think this is where the disconnect between us and the so-called "zoomers" comes from. They've never known a time when the internet didn't exist. They grew up with games that make ours look absolutely primitive. They grew up in the future we weren't even daydreaming about yet, so they find it borderline impossible to understand how we could have enjoyed anything back then when "now" is allegedly so much better.

I wonder how he would have fared with an RPG that came with a large booklet containing most of the story, meant to be read when the game prompted you to do so. Or a game like "Close Assault" which actually came with a physical gameboard and counters. Or even something like an Infocom game -- really cool boxart but a completely text-based game.

At the risk of sounding like more of an asshole than I already do, I can't imagine having grown up in a time where video game tech was advanced enough to completely removing both your agency and imagination, but here we are. There really is a lot of awesome modern stuff, but it requires absolutely nothing of you but to be present at your controller/keyboard.

>> No.6539898 [View]
File: 105 KB, 500x364, 1476928964362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downloaded the Namcot Collection on the Japanese eShop so I can get the Japanese games that won't be in the American version
>Turns out they fucked up the digital version of the game and uploaded the wrong games in the wrong indexes
>Bamco took them down and haven't put them back up yet

This is the dumbest fucking mix up since the two times they released two of their games for free instead of correctly uploading their demos.

>> No.4506553 [View]
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At some point you're going to need to "credit feed" the game to learn how to play it. This isn't avoidable, unless you're playing these for the first time in 2018 with the benefit of rom images and savestates. If you want to "git gud" you actually have to play the game. Playing the game actually requires credits. Credits actually require money. You didn't pop in a quarter and 1cc a damned arcade machine the first time you played it.

If you want to make the argument that there's some tangible difference between "just pumping quarters into a machine" and "just pumping quarters into a machine and playing 'carefully' while you do it" you can try, but I'm just going to laugh at you. The end result is that you fed a shitload of money into a machine in order to master a game, regardless of whatever "strategy" you were personally following while you did it.

>> No.4461709 [View]
File: 105 KB, 500x364, instant_wakka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways, honestly I think you're just misunderstanding the people who go on /vr/.
No, I really don't think I am.

>its just about the content of the post
Yeah, all those "impressive" games written in 100% assembler. Let's hear more about those.

>Heck, maybe you could politely respond and correct them
What website do you think you're on?

>As for your point about vaporwave, that has nothing to do with /vr/ at all.
I don't recall claiming that it did. I was just using as an example to make a point.

>cause it doesnt get much better than this.
Sure it does! This thread is nothing compared the usual console war threads, which STG developer was the best, what color the sky was intended to be in SMB, or tripfags blogging about this one time they played a Ms. Pac-Man machine "back in teh day" at the local laundromat all while complaining randomly about Europeans and their alleged computer habits throughout the eighties. How can a thread like this even compare!?

>The few people who go on here generally know what they're talking about.
Except for all the ones who obviously don't, and instead of just taking the opportunity to learn something when they're called on it, instead double down on the bullshit and start roleplaying - hoping to "win" the discussion under the assumption the person they're now fighting with is just as full of shit as they are.

>> No.3571454 [View]
File: 105 KB, 500x364, instant_wakka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2057339 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 105 KB, 500x364, Pacman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind = blown.

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