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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.9556663 [View]
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There's been a few.
>owner of Color Dreams sees Hellraiser in theaters
>blown the fuck away
>decides that he HAS to make a game out of this somehow
>actually manages to wrangle a license for the Hellraiser IP
>it's gonna be on the NES
>also it's gonna use a special cartridge with an extra processor to make an even more advanced game
>planned sfuff like procedurally generated levels (and maybe demons?)
>some experimenting is done with the prototype cartridge they built, but the realization sets in pretty quickly that this game is going to be quite expensive to produce, meaning it's going to be quite expensive to buy
>also Color Dreams is not licensed by Nintendo so distribution and sales are never easy for them to begin with
>game gets shelved
>some years later (probably 1992 or 1993), they get the itch to try again, and they still have the license
>get the idea to license the Wolfenstein 3D engine from iD Software
>do a bit of work on this as a PC game, but then iD Software starts showing, and eventually releasing, Doom
>a game about demons and hell which would make their effort look incredibly dated and primitive in comparison
>the time for their licensing deal expires soon as well, so they decide "Fuck it." and scrap the game
>famously, Color Dreams rebrands to Wisdom Tree and focus on making Christianity themed games to sell via religious channels (where Nintendo couldn't throw any of their weight around, because they weren't distributing anything themselves around those parts)
>as Wisdom Tree, they make an unlicenses SNES game about Noah's Ark, using the Wolfenstein 3D engine they licensed
>no idea if they got any further technical assistance from iD, but supposedly the guys all thought it was incredibly funny
I don't think any pictures of gameplay or anything ever surfaced of the planned NES game, just a couple of (probably mockup) title screens. Some assets from the PC game were actually released much later on, it looks pretty preliminary.

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