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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1466790 [View]
File: 4 KB, 86x56, AddingPhotos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I remember downloading something like this in the early 2000s in highschool on my old 1997 Hitachi laptop. It got a virus later on and fucked Windows 98 up. Almost lost an entire class project because of it.

This I forgot all about.

How about these?
Crashme.com, I remember crashed your PC.
SteakAndCheese.com, for many years was a great site for pics, wavs, and exes.
Greetrish.com, eBaums World, dribbleglass.com, same thing good for pics.
Wavsounds.com, got alot of wavs from there.
Stickdeath.com, animations and Escape From Greenville game.
Yahoo Groups, which up to last year were the same as they were for 10 plus years, until they royally fucked them with the Neo redesign. The last 1.0 we had left.
dmoz.org, old ass search engine.
MSN Communities/Groups. Closed to 2009 active ones moved to Multiply. Multiply closed its social networking service in 2013 and now its all dead.
The DAFT Archive, before DA an archive for everything Dinsey fanart
http://users.cwnet.com/xephyr/rich/dzone/hoozoo/hoozoo.html, one of the first sites I ever visited, still online.
FortuneCity, Cityslide, Angelfire, internet hosting services.

I still have my IE favorites folder with shit that goes back ten years easy.

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