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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1826971 [View]
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While alot of people may disagree, I believe that when you present mature topics to children in a video game it actually usually turns out better than if it were made for adults.

When presenting these things to kids you have to be careful with them, children don't know about these things(for example suicide, genocide and teen pregnancy in VI to name a few instances of mature content) and they can't just be put in there sloppily or else children will get the wrong message about them, and no one wants that. You have to give them impact and make sure they feel important, make them touching and really give the audience a reaction that is supposed to go with the message these things convey. Because of that scenes with mature content can turn out much more well done in something aimed at kids than adults, it's given more impact and handled more carefully, the quality is better. With things aimed at audiences of a higher age, concepts and themes like the ones mentioned above can turn out very poorly done because the audience already knows about them and cares more about the fact they are in something at all then how it is done, which is a huge problem for games today.

After VI the series began aiming at a teenage/young adult demographic and certain themes and ideas that were used in the games that could have been done in such a better, classier way were just kind of lazily put in as if to say "Our game is mature, we have things like people doing horrible things because of their dreams, being heroes on the front lines of war, or people grieving over a friend who has passed away! Look, we are mature, take us seriously!" And it just comes off as shallow. If games that try to have deep themes actually try to take them seriously and not use them as a way to boost sales among people who want to seem smart playing the game, games today might reach the peak they had in the 90s and early 00s.

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