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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.3980113 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 22 KB, 453x453, 1426069682951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not a literal millionaire

>is strafing in this game really essential?
lmao. just stop posting doom babs this gets more embarrassing every time I visit.

>> No.3931546 [View]
File: 22 KB, 453x453, 1426069682951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>system shock 2 and deus ex, the best PC gaming has to offer
both turds with absolute shite for gameplay. games with bad gameplay are bad games, period. core rpg is also a genre for friendless manchildren that are socially stunted enough to relate to pixelated cartoons. I don't play games to sift through some poorly written story made for retards; I play games to PLAY games. actually neither of those two turds would be so terrible if they actually had some good gameplay to offer but they don't - which is probably because core RPG game creators know that their audience is too retarded to handle slightly more mechanically advanced games.

you are a pretentious little faggot straight out of /v/, listing pretentious "/v/-core" games like dude sex and system cocks 2 like they're gonna win you brownie points here. protip: they won't, and you should just go back to listing your real favourite shooter of all time (halo 3) because then you'll at least be an honest little cuck and not the obvious gaping asshole of a target you currently are, kid.

>> No.3927257 [View]
File: 22 KB, 453x453, 1426069682951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god ahahaha

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