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>> No.3963854 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if a developer tries to make a hard game, but it turns out to be really easy, it's actually hard because they """"chose"""" to make it hard?

What? No. Not at all. This is why I ask if you have mental problems.

This is just about inherent challenges that are designed to be part of the game versus challenges the player comes up with themsevles to make it more interesting for them. The two are different. Both potentially interesting and fun, but different.

>I'm not sure you understand how art works.
Also beside the point, but I know a fair bit about art thanks. It's my life. It pays all my bills these days.

>> No.3801281 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michaelangelo, and profit was his motivation, it was a paid commission. He didn't do it for fun, or personal expression, he did it because it was a job. It's literally just a massive illustration job, and most of what we refer to as "fine art" is exactly the same. There is some that was done for purely "artsy" reasons, but it's not the bulk.

There's nothing wrong with either, and I still think both are art in my opinion. Sincerely, working artist.

>> No.3755572 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go first even. I've posted this here before, but I only want to post stuff that was done for private commission so the wonderful folks here can't google me.

>> No.3632660 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said communism doesn't kill human expression, I said it's not the only form of government that can and will.

Sincerely, a working artist who is very concerned about matters of personal expression and counting my lucky stars I'm not stuck in that country even more than usual.

>> No.3620680 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if you care. I can concentrate on important and precise things for long periods of time when I want to. When I'm running around in a video game that's not always what I want to do. Sure if I'm playing fighters then I want all my concentration. But if I'm tootling around in Animal Crossing and relaxing then I might like to listen to something as well.

Again not saying you need to be the same way, but getting your panties in a twist like this over other people's experiences is kind of weird.

>> No.3415000 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we'll just plain not agree because your three points are all reasons I like the remake better. I always thought the original was sort of bland and empty looking. And I like more detailed, interesting sprites.

I'm kind of crazy for detail overall though. Nothing wrong with different opinions though.

>> No.3120042 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were an artist you'd be a wage slave animating little 3d models for someone better than you

You'd have a great point there if I didn't make most of my money through commercial illustration and commissioned artwork. But hey, continue to feel special over your preference in video game music. I'm sure it's very fulfilling or something.

>> No.3080818 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not money. You got no hobbies? You never feel the desire to create something, just because it's cool, and you can say "I made that"?

Indeed I do have hobbies, passionate ones. But I'm also a realist. If I can make money doing what I'm passionate about, then I'm able to spend more of my time doing that and less of my time doing other work to pay bills.

Pic related is something I've done, but what you're seeing doesn't do the actual painting justice at all. But people like you are one of the reasons that in order to see it or my other work you would have to come to a show and see it physically.

>> No.2854234 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an artist, I'm well aware of how much time various types of paintings take. As shown here >>2854162 it's possible. And realistically wouldn't have taken a lot longer. Certainly if that was what Nindendo had wanted it would have been done.

>> No.2601816 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't find it jarring in the slightest, no. At least when I played it back then on a CRT, everything blended really well for me and I consider it one of the better looking RPGs of the 16 bit era from top to bottom.

We all have different tastes though. If you or someone else finds it jarring and unappealing then that's just how you feel. There are no wrong opinions. But I think the game is gorgeous, personally.

>> No.2595973 [View]
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that wasn't you then I apologize, the thread's over by now so which ones were you doesn't matter. Whoever that guy was, is a troll but it's been tough to keep track of who's who with all the mudslinging that went on. Which I should have known would just get worse when I asked people to be more level headed, but there's 4chan for ya!

Anyways, before this falls into nothing here's a pretty picture you've never seen as thanks for a good thread. Hope you enjoy

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