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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10956216 [View]
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I need to recompile the Kartan game and I can't be bothered to do that at the moment. Fuck man I can barely muster up the focus to play any video game, I've been either doing dev shit, helping neighbors, or just milling about mentally defragging. I gotta get my shit together.
I do miss it though.

>> No.10534847 [View]
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It was just pointed out to me that the stimpacks and medikits of GMOTA had been healing extra all this time. 15 for stims and 35 for medikits.
I'd say this was something I did nearly 10 years ago assuming that was the correct health values without properly checking on the fucking wiki, and then never bothering to check over the years as I updated the mod.

Words fail me.

>> No.10003095 [View]
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I cannot.

>> No.9875852 [View]
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>are been
I meant have been. Sleep deprivation and multitasking make for shitty typing habits.

>> No.9766159 [View]
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Fuck. It's so bittersweet.

>> No.9572416 [View]
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GMOTA V1.5.2 is out now, nothing major yet, just some tweaks and adjustments.I gave up trying to make the sword grabbable by the chain, Zandronum is truly fucked.

I am tired, and I think taking a month off would do me well.

>> No.9286995 [View]
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I'll be adding*

On the plus side, this means I can take my time for the second half and it'll be fuckin great: Samson, some more tweaks, some new weapon animations for Blaz and Doomslayer, maybe some fresh hands for him? He's definitely getting some shoulder mounted launchers for bombs and daggers. I wouldn't mind updating Kustam's hands too but I don't want to promise anything there.

>> No.9126082 [View]
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I should point out it didn't burst, it slightly ruptured. Which made surgery risky for like a month so I had to endure that shit for a month while taking antibiotics. That was the worst summer of my life.
But yeah thank fuck for modern medicine.

>> No.9038736 [View]
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Well I'm slowly getting the Aspect Summon set up there. After this I'll probably move onto the chainsaw slot for the other set. I'm waiting on a guy for some sounds for the Space Hunter rifle.

Also I'm not gonna be able to finish GMOTA this year. So I've decided I'll be pushing this big fucking update with all of the polishing, bug fixing and other nice stuff and save Samson for 2023, because the alternative is crunching and that really puts my balls to the salad shooter, and could end up with shit design like how Kustam was.
I'm not happy about this prospect. But this is a result of me trying to help someone for pretty much the entire first half of the year, only for it to be all for naught.

>> No.8780795 [View]
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I don't know. I'm tired, anon.

>> No.8682397 [View]
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Update is in progress. I'm just swamped with so much other shit right now that it's going insanely slowly.

>> No.8520738 [View]
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Man I'm just wanting to have a nice relaxing evening before working on stuff, and here you boys are breaking my balls.

>> No.8510658 [View]
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With any luck I'll start work on that this year. The plan right now is: Finish this Gaiden update, take a break, finish GMOTA, take another break, work on Combined_Arms.
I am going to get more free time in the near future, I'm losing my part time job in February.

>> No.8463410 [View]
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>> No.8343130 [View]
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>> No.8131542 [View]
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>tfw the only two sourceports you use are GZDoom and Zandronum
>and you kinda hate them both

>> No.8020410 [View]
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As someone who fucking adores W&W3 and it being a huge inspiration for a lot of my own creative shit, take that into consideration when I say that this game plays like utter dogshit. Combat serves no purpose and can be totally avoided altogether if you wear the right costume in the right area, and a lot of the upgrades you get only serve a single purpose of killing some nuclear creature blocking your path, or getting past the nuclear waterfall.

It frustrates me to no end because I love how the game looks, I love how the game sounds, and the premise of switching between three tiered forms on the fly is awesome, but holy fuck they screwed up the gameplay so hard.

>> No.7800946 [View]
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>doing second run
>last stage
>have Goddess Bracelet
>break open chest
>crossbow spawns
>leave that piece of shit where it is
>on my way up, a blue imp flies out and hits me
>damage boost all the way back down onto the crossbow

>> No.7787978 [View]
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Between those errors that popped up and those maps in general I'm fucking wiped out.
I'm still glad I joined, and it means a lot to me you guys played my mod, I hope you guys had fun.

>> No.7750067 [View]
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Ark had a hard life. It's a beautiful song but there's a definite finality to it. This, Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia all stick with me.

>> No.7272327 [View]
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The trick is to design stuff around the limitations, so often everything I need to do can be done in a really simple and lazy method, efficiency rocks. Howerver my soul withers a little every time I'm reminded I can't use anonymous functions and have to do bigass ugly blocks of text.
I'm pretty sure I can use uservars though.

>> No.7150712 [View]
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Have been for a whole year now, and I'll keep grinding away til it's done.
I'm taking like two weeks off after this update though. Christ almighty I'm tired.

>> No.7061343 [View]
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I'm fine. Slax's passing fucked me up pretty bad but I'm working on getting my ass back in gear with things.

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