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>> No.11218706 [View]
File: 263 KB, 620x349, Screenshot_Doom_20231222_164801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Duke Nukem 3D + Doom? O_o

> "DN3Doom"


Awesomeness of the endlessly configurable, lightning fast GZDoom port with a surprisingly polished and faithful adaptation of Duke 3D.

Build engine destruction tricks seem absent in this vid (any emulating them would be up to doom mappers), but there are some fun gameplay additions that help on hairier difficulty levels. Lol.

Mix n' match gameplay modifiers, enemy packs and maps to your liking.

Also just noticed this vid seems to have the better SFX and dialogue samples from Duke3D World Tour. The version I have is the old school low-rez sounds of the base game. Need to resolve this.

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