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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.1706371 [View]
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Will fix drops or any other serious bugs but I guess I am done with it. Haven't tested this throughly so let me know what's broken.
Sometime in future will change graphix for powerup chests (and disappear effects) and maybe make bosses drop chests.

DoomRL Chests
DoomRL Chests adds Chests to the game! What rougelike is complete without chests? None. So I took it upon myself to add chests.
There is quite a selection of chests which replace pickups on the map. Most chests drop what they replace. Mostly.
New items;
-Spent Ammo: From half dead batteries to magazines with 3 bullets.
-Fast/Good Food: Heals up to 50/100
-Armor Bits/Tools: Repair armor up to 25/75
-Junk: Makes you wonder why do they even exist

Their sizes and contents vary, shoddier the chest looks, worse will be the drops. You have to approach chests and use them.
Health Bonus became a set of urns which need breaking, armor bonus are more likely to appear but could be a mod chest instead.

All large ammo pickups have a chance to be replaced with chests, with the rocket chest being huegest so it can provide some cover as well.
These chests will either drop large ammo (x1.5) or the ammo they replaced with something extra (weapon/recipe).

All guns (except chainsaw, shotgun and chaingun) replaced with weapon chests, which have a wider variety and drop some ammo to go with the gun.
So don't be shocked when some monsters from monsters addon start dropping chests.

All armor pickups replaced with Armor chests, both green and blue armor drops got a bump up in rarity. Chests will drop both armor and boots.

All powerups (except Blur and Backpack, which are already chests) come in a rather spiffy UAC crate now, drops rare stuff on top of powerup it replaces.

As usual take whatever you want from the archive.
took a ton of stuff from internets but forgot write credits down... so yeah. Thanks.

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