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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10847131 [View]
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The Amiga has awesome racing games too, pic related. Which are also leagues ahead of what the stock SNES could do, because even the Amiga (almost 5 years older than the SNES) was THREE TIMES FASTER.
>b-b-but F-Zero was so impressive!!
What a fucking joke. SNES fans get the rope.

>> No.10272076 [View]
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Actually has quite a few 3D games, that run quite a bit better than SNES 3D games, even though they don't need any extra hardware, unlike the SNES.
Just how pathetic is the SNES that it can't compete with the 5 years older Amiga?

>> No.9945315 [View]
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Let's see the 2.68 mhz SNES do any better. Hell, even the stock Amiga, 5 YEARS older than the SNES, could do 3D better than the SNES, WITH chips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwM-7EnJbpQ
Just how fucking pathetic was SNES hardware? It is no wonder nobody could get any decent games out of the thing.

>> No.9761467 [View]
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I don't disagree, the Amiga has an excellent and underrated library of 3D games running on stock hardware that outperform the SNES even WITH it's cheating, expensive FX chip expansions, not to mention it's incredible selection of RPGs and strategy games that run full circles around anything that was found on the "RPG powerhouse" SNES, the Amiga was certainly a titan of the 16-bit era, right along with the Mega Drive, PC Engine, X68000, and Neo Geo, and all of them are leagues ahead of the SNES. Don't you dare bring it up on this board though, or you'll be dogpiled and called Australian.

>> No.7806470 [View]
File: 5 KB, 320x256, no_second_prize_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the same bitter and unsatisfied nintendrone, here to pick on the Amiga, despite that the Amiga is actually sporting a powerful CPU wholly 3 TIMES faster than the shit SNES, as was the case with ALL the SNESes competitors. This allowed excellent 3D games like picrel to be fully playable on stock Amiga hardware, whereas the SNES would have required a cheating and expensive expansion Super FX chip to even compete.
Picrel for OP as well.

>> No.7754607 [View]
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So nintendrones are still seething that their shit SNES, which runs at a mere 1/3rd the speed compared to ALL it's competitors, including the Mega Drive, PC Engine, and Amiga, cannot do 3D games without cheating and expensive expansion chips, unlike the Amiga, which can do them easily on stock hardware? Sad but not unexpected.
You rooted for the wrong team. You should suck it up and come enjoy some real 16-bit gaming on real, performant 16-bit hardware, instead of constantly droning on about Nintendo trash.

>> No.7716094 [View]
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It's because /vr/ is infested with nintendrones who have no retort to the fact that the shit SNES, despite being much newer, runs at a mere 1/3rd the speed of not only the Amiga, but ALL it's competitors, a fact which is emphasized by the Amiga's ease in doing 3D games on stock hardware, whereas the SNES requires cheating and expensive expansion chips to do any kind of 3D at a passable framerate.

>> No.7341995 [View]
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Tilted nintendrone cherry picking shitty ports as usual, ignoring the fact that the Amiga, despite being 4 years older than the shit SNES, can perform 3D on stock hardware, which the SNES required a cheating and expensive expansion chip to do.
Even the Atari ST could do 3D without an expansion chip, and the Atari ST was a huge piece of shit. What's your excuse?

>> No.7255057 [View]
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Pic fucking attached. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmcS-Br95r4
Despite being a full 4 years older than the shit SNES, the Amiga is able to massively outperform it, with a larger viewport, smoother framerate, no input lag, and far better physics. The shit SNES needed expensive cheating coprocessor expansion chips to compete with this, and it STILL comes up short by comparison. It really should be no surprise, as the Amiga is almost 3 times faster that the terribly bottlenecked and crippled SNES. How sad for you nintendrones, you knew you couldn't compete with the 2 years older Mega Drive, you knew you couldn't compete with the 3 years older PC Engine, so you figured you would pick an "easy target" with the 4 years older Amiga, but even against that, the shit SNES falls short and disappoints like it always does. What a fucking piece of garbage.

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