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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.2829195 [View]
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Not every WAD ever is uploaded to /idgames.

I have a DOOM folder in my bookmarks bar in my web browser, with http://static.best-ever.org/wads/?C=M;O=D (date modified, descending, so latest are on top of list), the front pages for Doomworld /idgames, Doomworld WADs subforum, ZDoom forums, and iddqd.ru (for those kickass russian WADs that only seem to come up a few times a year). Also One Man Doom's Blogspot for when I get bored with new stuff.

Wad-Archive.com was pretty good, but as of late, their crawler is indexing garbage, IWADs, and reposts. Too bad, as they could scan WADs for level geometry, monster/item counts, and stuff. Pretty neat.

/idgames has a REST API if you want to take a crack at that. Invoke with a PHP action, and results come in XML or JSON, then your program can parse that. http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/api/

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