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>> No.7136549 [View]
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I bet my taste in music skews much older than yours (I'm not going to name any specific artists, but let's just say mostly classic rock), but say I did go to a concert. Then what? I can and have flirted with female co-workers in the past (usually unintentionally), but how the hell do you just hit on random women? Walk me through a typical night, Mr. Chad.
>Ever try head slick shaving cream? One of my friends uses it, and he swears by it. Thought I might throw that out there.
I haven't, but I'll check out anything that will make head shaving easier and less time consuming.
>You ever get that feeling of, "If I don't do this now, I probably won't do it..."?
Sure, but I still can't imagine asking that of some chick you just met and are awkwardly playing games with. But again, this goes back to the whole sense of arrested development that I feel anytime I hear about someone else's bedroom experiences. Just the concept of two strangers fucking is alien to me. I can't even pretend to relate anything remotely similar, and when I'm hanging out on the internet talking about and reading comments on unrelated things, I suddenly remember how isolated and how different I am from everyone else I know, and I get depressed (which is what happened the other day). It doesn't happen from reading/watching smut, funnily enough, because I can still fool myself into believing that's pure fantasy. When the true stories begin to resemble the fantasy is when I get a sick, hollow feeling in my stomach, and I just want to go home and sleep it off.
Embarrassing fact about my life #229: I've never once bought a suit of any kind and wouldn't even know where to start. The closest thing was when I had to rent a tux so I could serve as the best man at my friend's wedding. I was about 20 years old and my mom basically took care of everything, as moms are wont to do. I only vaguely remember getting measured for it.
Based and integrity pilled.

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