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>> No.10561848 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example of the draw distance differences between the two versions. It would be interesting to see how much of the performance improvements the PS1 version had over the Saturn were due to scaling back the rendered geometry (as opposed to the PS1 having a significantly more straightforward CPU and GPU setup).

>> No.9921119 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only significant addition to the PS1 version was the handstand animation, which if I remember correctly one of them team members made while goofing around one day, and they all thought it was cool and put it in the game (and it was kept for every game using the original engine). The European Saturn version is buggy as fuck though, it was basically unfinished and rushed out the door. You definitely have to play the NA or JAP version.

They made the decision to reduce the draw distance to increase the framerate on the PS1 version, it's extremely noticeable in a lot of areas but its not something you'd really recognize if you haven't played both versions. Places like the main hub in the Cistern (especially when you raise the water level) and most of The Lost Valley are a fucking slideshow on both consoles, but it's a little better on the PS1. I honestly don't think either console could truly do the game justice. The sequels on the PS1 used a lot of smaller areas as well as various fogging/vis blocking in the larger ones to get around this problem for the most part though.

The black sky in The Lost Valley and the Colosseum is an error, they were supposed to have blue skies but the engine couldn't handle different colors for the sky and the distance fog, so they were both made black. I think its cool though, it makes TLV feel like something out of Journey to the Center of the Earth, and the Colosseum feels like it's hidden inside of a massive underground cavern.

desperate bait

This. The 6 button layout is so much better for fighting games. Playing any of Capcom's 2D fighters on the PS1 is misery on its own, let alone when you have to deal with the goofy control schemes that have to use shoulder buttons due to there only being 4 face buttons.

I prefer the analog sticks on the Dual Shock over the analog ball on the 3D Pad, but when it comes to the d-pad or button layout the Saturn controller is objectively better.

>> No.9798764 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> First game is a normal story
> Second game is a direct sequel
> Third game is a direct sequel
> 4th game is a direct sequel in the spirit of the original game
> 5th game is a sidestory/prequel/interquel to the first 4 games
> 6th game is a gritty reboot
> 7th game is a second reboot
> 8th game is a remake of the first game, but in the second reboot timeline
> 9th game is a direct sequel to the 7th game
> 10th game is a third reboot with the same name as the first game
> 11th and 12th games are direct sequels of the 10th game

The Tomb Raider franchise is pretty weird when you think about it.

> Sabatu version of Tomb Raider

Before I looked up what this was I thought you were having a stroke and trying to type "Saturn version" kek. For posterity it's got a better draw distance and no texture warping compared to the PS1 version, but the framerate chugs more often. The Saturn version has a better controller, but the PS1 version has better looking FMVs. The Saturn version also lacks the handstand animation.

A while back there was a dude who was working on getting the Unfinished Business levels working on either the Saturn or the PS1 (I can't remember), might be worth checking into.

>> No.9147716 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 Draw Distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 version is nowhere near a steady 30fps, its framerate dips constantly. It maintains a higher average framerate in most (but not all) areas compared to the Saturn version, but they had to drop the render distance way down to make it happen.

>> No.9147623 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 Draw Distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about replaying the first game earlier today.

I like the Saturn version over the PS1 port even though the framerate chugs more often. The Saturn's D-Pad is significantly better than the shit one on the PS1's controller and its nice being able to see the other side of a room. The Cistern is a fucking slideshow when you raise the water level though.

>> No.8738646 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the "complete silence interspersed with musical cues" style of the first game. I guess people bitched or something because TR2 has constant, irritating background noise in every level (one of the many, many areas where they overcompensated in TR2).

The differences between the PS1 and Saturn versions of the first game are pretty neat. The Saturn version has a much longer draw distance, significantly nicer water effects, and a better controller, whereas the PS1 version performs better, has a reflection effect on save crystals, and also has the handstand climbing animation that apparently was a last minute addition by Tobey Gard.

>> No.8565930 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retard

>> No.8531669 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 Draw Distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb Raider's movement is literally Prince of Persia but in 3D.

> Press forward, walk forward two steps
> Press jump, jump two blocks straight up
> Press jump and forward, jump forward two blocks
> Run and press jump, jump forward three blocks

Once you understand how Lara moves, you'll instantly know whether or not you can make any jump in the game. You'll also instantly know which ledges can be grabbed on to and climbed up on or shimmied across, unlike modern 3D platformers where they have to put big yellow objects or shining golden lines to tell the player what random arbitrary objects in the game world that they can climb on.

> Framerate

The Saturn version takes a hit, but part of that is because the draw distance is much longer than the PS1 version. Both versions have some serious drops in several areas, and god be with you when you get to the Cistern.

One of the nice things about playing the Saturn version is you get to use the Saturn controller, which helps a lot since you have to use the D-Pad for precise movement and the PS1's D-Pad is a mushy wet far in comparison.

>> No.8505136 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 The Colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek 2

The reason the PS1 version of Tomb Raider runs as well as it does is partially faster 3D hardware, but mostly because they decreased the draw distance significantly.

>> No.8466842 [View]
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 Draw Distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening, fellow Saturnchads.

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