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11560613 No.11560613 [Reply] [Original]

Games that look amazing when upscaled

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>> No.11560880

You don’t know what the word “amazing” means, do you?

>> No.11560890

upRENDERD you zoomtard

>> No.11561328

Found the Square-Enix employee.
The 3DS version is S H I T

>> No.11561467
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and theres nothing wrong with that

>> No.11561474

ngl popped a boner playing this for the first time as a 30+yo

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11560561 No.11560561 [Reply] [Original]

Picrel totally passed me by, and so did the first one despite being made by the developers of Descent (a game I played loads). Played it for the first time maybe a decade ago and it's one of my favourites of all time now. For me, its the GTVA.

Your turn.

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>> No.11560681

I was too busy playing Half-Life and Unreal in 1998/99 and wasn't interested I space sims at that point. Upon playing Freespace 2 for the first time, I couldn't believe what I had slept on. And yes, the music, combat, story etc are gold. Happy?

>> No.11560685

Ohhhh okay, so NOW we’re just casually dropping in that you were too busy with Half-Life and Unreal, like that’s supposed to excuse missing out on what is apparently the greatest space sim OF ALL TIME??? Like, “Oh yeah, I was just playing two of the most revolutionary FPS games ever made, my bad for not realizing a genre-defining masterpiece was also happening.”

And then—THEN—you finally play it, and suddenly it’s like THE SECOND COMING??? Just instant enlightenment, a complete realization that you had, in fact, slept on one of the greatest games OF ALL TIME??? And now we’re supposed to just accept this as truth, no questions asked?

Yes, yes, the music, the combat, the story—gold. Fine. Happy? Sure. But you just casually discovered one of the best games OF ALL TIME like it was some long-lost treasure buried beneath a pile of FPS classics, and now we all just have to nod in agreement???

Nah. I’m still processing how someone can completely miss the supposed pinnacle of space sims, then stumble upon it years later and act like they’ve unlocked the secrets of the universe. But hey, as long as you're happy.

>> No.11560691

bro get a job
it will improve your quality of life immensely

>> No.11560824

lying faggot, i became more miserable and with barely any time to play vidya or shitpost on 4chan after i got a job

>> No.11561062

Probably everything in the SNES library. I was such a Genesis fanboy that I pretty much overlooked everything they put out at the time. Yeah, I was a stupid kid back then lol.

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11560532 No.11560532 [Reply] [Original]

Codename: Outbreak died so that Stalker could live

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>> No.11560562

The engine is not related to x-ray at all.

>> No.11560586

those graphics are very comfy to me, good times with windows 98

>> No.11560646

just like the 4A engine wasn't right?

>> No.11560663

X-Ray was made by two coders employed at a different company which closed doors sometime later. The guys were granted the ownership of the engine, showed their work to GSC and got a job there. At the same time Venom was already under development with in-house GSC engine.

>> No.11560940

>X-Ray was made by two coders employed at a different company
how do you know?

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11560478 No.11560478 [Reply] [Original]

It filtered you, didn't it?

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>> No.11560808

The difficulty is rather standard or mid by 4th gen western action game standard, which really is what it is since it was mostly developped during that time, and was an early 5th gen title which still swore by 16-bit standards as the new game design mentalities of the 5th gen hadn't settled in yet.

That standard being the game needs to be challenging if you want people to review it well, to buy it, to play it, and to remember. And guess what, it works since we're still talking about it today.

But really Rayman isn't really harder than Crash Bandicoot.

>> No.11560837

probably one of the hardest 2d platformers on the 32 bit era

>> No.11561052

sprites always seemed way too big to me, cramped screen. is this actually a problem at all?

>> No.11561091

By being a bad game, yeah.
>mmmmm too hard methinks???
No, it's slow and irritating.

>> No.11561114

Could stand an hour of it. Yes, being too tolerant is my flaw. Slow, uninspired gameplay, marrowed by awkward level design and shoddy hit detection. But it had pretty graphics, so a few people overlook its flaws, as usual.

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11560474 No.11560474 [Reply] [Original]

comfy games and random trash, from jump'n run to racing games, everything goes.

>> No.11560479

ps2 was the racing and sports console that had actually good games but nobody played them

>> No.11560490

just got DTM 3 and lord of the rings two towers for 4€.
Really fun, DTM is unbelivable realistic and LotR pure arcade smasher, i need more.

>> No.11560857

I liked ATV offroad 2 and 3. the physics felt just right

>> No.11560863

i liked 4 as a kid but i never played the other ones

>> No.11560868

For me, it's Downhill Domination

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11560430 No.11560430 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished YU-NO - The Girl that Chants Love at the Edge of the World. What an awesome game. I went in with pretty high expectations, yet it still managed to exceed all of them. The artwork is second to none. The soundtrack is brilliant. The writing is funny. The mysteries are engaging. All of the characters are likeable (except for the ones you are suppose to hate, in which case they succeed at being detestable). Even the voice acting is phenomenal. The game is greater than the sum of its parts, which is saying something considering all of its components are masterfully crafted.

I've read that a lot of people struggle with its game mechanics—collectively coined the A.D.M.S—but I'm quite fond of them myself. They connect with the game's narrative in a clever way, and they turn exploring the game into something of a puzzle rather than just endlessly scrolling through text. They enable the game to be structured in a unique way that unravels its mysteries piecemeal, allowing the player to connect the dots organically in a way that's different for every player depending on what order they did things.

I didn't find the mechanics confusing at all; I figured them out with experimentation in only a few minutes. Even if you can't figure them out, there's an NPC who breaks the 4th wall and explains them in great detail, so I really don't get why everyone suggests to play the game with a walkthrough. The game doesn't have any cryptic bullshit. I managed to 100% complete it without a guide just by exploring stuff until I ran out of stuff to explore.

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>> No.11561126

I don't think it's actually possible to get softlocked in YU-NO because the game is designed so that you can get back to the beginning of the timeline by going to any of the ends
For that same reason, I'm not sure you even technically need to use the jewel saves/time bookmarks, though it'd be much slower to do it without them (and less fun)
I haven't played it since '97 so may be forgetting something

>> No.11561316
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Are there any other good VN's with graphics like this, or is it one of a kind?

>> No.11561371

I remember being stuck in a tomb or something with a puzzle I was too much of a brainlet to understand.

>> No.11561386
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Yu-No's visuals are certainly high quality, but there's nothing particularly unusual about them.
There are hundreds of other PC-98 visual novels with illustrations of roughly similar quality and style.

>> No.11561426

Yu-No's soundtrack is my single #1 favorite video game soundtrack of all time, but I don't find the actual game any fun to play at all.
So much of it is just aimlessly wandering and clicking on everything you can to try and figure out which of the infinite inane actions you have the ability to do is the single one the game expects of you. It feels like the progress is constantly being held hostage for no purpose whatsoever.

The story is good, but it basically doesn't matter because the pacing is so horrifically terrible that the process of playing through it just feels like a punishment.
And that's if you use your jewels intelligently and correctly. If you don't, it gets even more punishing and even more frustrating and wastes even more of your time.
And THAT'S if you even have the jewels in the first place. Some of them are hidden in ways that are completely obnoxious. I remember the one hidden at the very start when the protagonist reads the letter grinding my gears something fierce when I figured out why I hadn't been able to get it.

I'm going to be completely honest and say that I'm extremely happy that nobody makes visual novels like this anymore. The gameplay of Yu-No and the way you interact with its world completely ruined the game for me. It feels like they took all this beautiful music and beautiful art and solid writing and threw it in the mud of the terrible, shit gameplay.
If they wanted to have a big interactive world like this they needed to make it extraordinarily fucking clear where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to do and when you're wasting your time. Force me to read an event if you must, but let me know that the event exists and where it is. Don't send me on goose chase after snipe hunt after goose chase. It should never under any circumstances take me an hour to get to the next scene in a visual novel. And it took me that long, over and over and over again. I timed it.

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11560309 No.11560309 [Reply] [Original]

What could it been?

I am still mad at that guy for dissapearing with the sprite sheet

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>> No.11560972

Richter has his strengths, but Maria's damage output is insane in comparison, and that's with her stock weapon. She's also better at dodging, so you'll end up hitting harder and damaged less.

>> No.11560993
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you unlock picrel

>> No.11561037

Dude, Maria can kill everything in 1-2 hits, bosses included.

>> No.11561468
File: 76 KB, 1024x942, therefore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's clearly talking about the sprite sheet for the ROM hack that gives Maria her belly dancer outfit during gameplay.

It's crazy how /vr/ has no culture, this should be common knowledge... and yes, I agree with OP, it sucks that we never got it.

>> No.11561560

Been here since 2017 while you were still an itch in daddy's ballsack you fucking newfag. Kill yourself.

File: 183 KB, 256x357, Tails_Adventure_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11560305 No.11560305 [Reply] [Original]

This is so fun. Tails being a nerd with all these gadgets defeating enemies, hovering all around. Why doesn't Tails have more games like this, centered around his gadgets and whatnot? It's so comfy. The regular Sonic games on the GameGear have this clunky unnnatural feel to them, but here it just fits because you have to be more methodical in your approach in each stage. More like this? We need more Tails games like this! We need more Tails games!!

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>> No.11560927

Because it's a fun game
>I didn't like it
It's subjective

>> No.11561005

I played through it (or rather, an incomplete port of it) recently and it was fun. It's slower going and a somewhat clunky, but for what it is, it's alright.
Maybe you prefer faster-paced games?

>> No.11561334

Faggot coined the term, now i yearn for the offing of their head.

>> No.11561337

Because nobody's a mentally deranged SHMUPfag, Skypatrol sucked.

>> No.11561453
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It's a perfect MetroidVania for those that want an easier, shorter and simpler one than the more popular titles in the genre, it looks, sounds and plays good, and it's polished overall.

What's not to like?

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11560295 No.11560295 [Reply] [Original]

Was this as good as I remember or was it just nostalgia goggles?

>> No.11560332

I liked it, but I was already a big Spumco fan. I'm fucking pissed that I sold this for like $15 back in the day

>> No.11560603

It's a bare basic Tony Hawk leaning skateboard game with "being a cartoon" mechanics that aren't great with its main draw being that Spumco of all companies designed the characters and world of a Japanese game. It feels weird that their artists have actually drawn furry appeal characters in both directions.

>> No.11560610

I like John K.

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11560260 No.11560260 [Reply] [Original]

Is Freakstyle worth playing? I heard it's basically SSX on motorbikes.

>> No.11560267

Yes, but it's not as good. Downhill Domination is a top tier game anyone who is a fan of SSX will enjoy.

>> No.11560293

I can't remember now if I ever owned this or not

>> No.11560451

I remember really enjoying this game a long time ago.

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11560210 No.11560210 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of yours? Do you own any? Trying to get one?
>pic related
Chances are one of yours is in this picture.

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>> No.11561569

i hope tony is out living his best life

>> No.11561574

I’m a little bit of both, I play pretty much all my games, but I also spent much $$$ on certain ones often just to have a nice “museum” copy.

I’ve grown a little in that regard, I often value a pretty-okay-nice copy over a near pristine copy. I really hate being afraid to touch the game that I own, all scared of scratching an object I bought for ME. I wanna flip through the manual and fondle the thing, not just have it on the shelf forever. One mistake was my copy of Silent Hill 3, it’s complete and pretty much perfect, but I almost always end up playing the less expensive PAL copy or just using OPL. Some games I have doubles and I plan to sell off the nicer ones. I also make an effort to just say fuck it and play the expensive games every so often because it doesn’t matter. There’s no reward for reaching death with maximum pristine games in your collection, so enjoy the things you like while you’re still here.

>> No.11561598

collecting is hoarding regardless

>> No.11561617

i'm glad i bought my copy of SH3 off of my ex girlfriend for like $5

>> No.11561650

I got mine when it was new, same with the first game. Didn't get the second one until it was an XBOX Platinum Hits or whatever it's called, only PS2 copy i have of 2 is a Japanese version (same with 4, which I imported before the US release). I never thought that Silent Hill games would become expensive.

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11560206 No.11560206 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished my 1CC, it's pretty good. What game should I play next for a similar fix?

>> No.11560239

star successor
or starfox 64, I guess

>> No.11560240

or Gungage

>> No.11560287

star successor is great. hurts my wrist though

>> No.11560363

Wild Guns is another good Cabal like. Can't decide which one I like more between it and S&P.

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11560116 No.11560116 [Reply] [Original]

It's really crazy that I missed this one back in the day. I hated Gran Turismo 3 and was too busy playing San Andreas so I just never bought it. Playing it right now it's quite possibly the best racing game ever made

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>> No.11560637

GT4 has more offroad tracks

>> No.11560640

I only responded to the "ruined Stage 11" argument.

>> No.11560657

and im saying gt3 is gay because i'm a rallyfag

>> No.11560664

Didn't ask.

>> No.11560818

GT3's Stage 11 is butchered compared to the original

GT4 mogs. GT3's career mode is a fucking drag to play, and I don't feel adherence to the road with its physics

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11560108 No.11560108 [Reply] [Original]

If you ignore the lacking library and its actual history, was the 3DO actually a well-designed video game console? Could it have done better if it actually had worthwhile games on it?

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>> No.11560269

If only they released fewer FMV games and focused on extracting the full power of the hardware, we may have even seen it compete with early titles on the N64.

>> No.11560278
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>In theory there was a lot it could have done, especially if the m2 ever became a thing and could have been the perfect "arcade at home" console. Sadly, its price point just made it an impossible sell when it had no real reasons to buy it. Many aspects of it were too ahead of its time, and those advancements costed it.

>> No.11560282

OH, SO WE’RE JUST IGNORING REALITY NOW??? We’re throwing out actual history and pretending the library doesn’t matter—like that’s not, I don’t know, the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING a console needs to succeed???

Sure, let’s play pretend. IF we ignore the fact that no one wanted to make games for it... IF we ignore that it cost more than a kidney transplant in the ‘90s... IF we ignore that the few games it did have were mostly FMV shovelware nightmares... then yeah, SURE, the 3DO was an engineering marvel, right? Just a flawless, futuristic console that totally would’ve dominated if, you know, it had literally anything worth playing on it.

But that’s like asking, “If you ignore the fact that it had no wheels, was the Edsel actually a great car?” NO, BECAUSE THAT’S THE ENTIRE POINT. A console with no worthwhile games is just an overpriced box taking up space under your TV.

Could it have done better? Oh, ABSOLUTELY—if it was cheaper, had good games, and wasn’t competing against the PlayStation and SNES. But, you know, other than everything that actually happened, it was a great system.

>> No.11560302

>Could it have done better if it actually had worthwhile games on it?
The real question is what console COULDN'T have done well with worthwhile games on it? How many good games does a console need to be a good console? The N64 has like 10-20 games and people love that

>> No.11560517

Shut up, ShartGPT.

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11560079 No.11560079 [Reply] [Original]

Which clans are worth playing to see how they change the game?

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>> No.11561418

Malkavians are clairvoyant and can see the future and/or the truth, but they're also insane and can't make sense of what they're seeing, so they're fine as both 1st playthrough and 2nd playthrough characters. First playthrough you'll be like hmmm I wonder what this nonsense really means, while on a repeat playthrough you'll be woah they're referencing that thing this early on, neat.

The big thing though, I believe they're the only clan who realizes the identity of the taxi driver, which might sound like a big spoiler, but he's not a part of any story arc in this game, it's just a cool scene.

>> No.11561427

who asked you to make this thread?

>> No.11561447

I mean I actually think malk dialogue is pretty specially formulated to not spoil the game. It just literally does not make sense if you haven't done a vanilla playthrough, like your character will reference things you do not have prior knowledge of.

I seem to remember getting masquerade violations for getting seen as a nos, maybe im wrong, I def remember there are quests that people refuse to give you because you freak them out too much to advance dialogue. so these are the reasons I wouldn't recommend these two on a first playthrough.

>> No.11561510

You can get masquerade violations being seen as Nos. I think it's really rare from regular people but happens easily with cops who will give you a violation and start shooting at you. But generally you just have to stay a few feet away from everyone and you'll go unnoticed.

You can do every quest as a Nosferatu. I played recently and things might work a little differently sometimes but every quest was still available to be taken and completed. It's not too different from Malkavian really, it's mostly just different dialogue.

>> No.11561554
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11560052 No.11560052 [Reply] [Original]

Were there any retro games you used to play that felt like they had more secrets than actually were there?

Pic related

>> No.11560285

pokemon firered
it sucked to later find out that these mysterious areas (alternating cave, boxes blocking a doorway) were just unused events

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11560005 No.11560005 [Reply] [Original]

>this was published in an OFFICIALLY-LICENSED nintendo magazine in 2005

What the fuck was going on with early 2000s Nintendo?

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>> No.11560936

This. Whatever is going on with the UK, they deserve it.

>> No.11560937
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Necromoto the Gaijin-Butcher killed them all for bringing great dishonor upon grorious Nihon Nintendo.

>> No.11560979

>50hz version of pikachu

>> No.11561006

British """humour"""

>> No.11561024

if you want to be anal you can say "mid 00s", but if we're only dividing it in two while it's technically true, 2005 has more in common with the early 00s than it does with the late 00s.

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11559963 No.11559963 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing beats the visuals of the pocket's original dot matrix screen with a properly installed backlight.

Just got myself one, best gameboy games that aren't as well known?

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>> No.11561327

I believe it, are these harder to do than on a DMG? I did my DMG up this way, but fuck some of those polarizers were REALLY glued on.

>> No.11561389

>are these harder to do than on a DMG?
No, it's the same process. Just different solder points for the backlight.
I did it myself back when the DMG kits were the only option and it worked just fine. But I'm pretty sure there specific options for MGB now.

>> No.11561471

Does it look better than on a DMG?

>> No.11561487
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Bits Studios, despite being a British studio that mostly put out titles based on licensed IPs, and published by LJN, managed to put out some of the best licensed stuff on the Game Boy for me. Terminator 2: Judgement Day is probably the best title based on the film, and the same goes for their Alien 3 title, in both of these cases it's crazy how they managed to make, with a small team on weaker hardware, a better title than all of the "superior" console ports. Also, Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an often misunderstood MetroidVania based on the character, it's not amazing, but good, and not that cryptic, the most cryptic part is literally given to the player in the manual. The Amazing Spider-Man 3 sucks though, they dropped the ball there, so stay away from that one.

>> No.11561498

Mostly looks the same, but has less ghosting.
The most noticeable difference of the Pocket for most people is the color, which comes from the reflective layer you peel off anyway when installing a backlight.

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11559943 No.11559943 [Reply] [Original]

Found these ASCII "Segaman" PS2 USB controllers on ebay. Says they're compatible with Windows. Are they any good?

>> No.11559947
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>> No.11559950
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Microphone for playing Seaman.

>> No.11560081

That's for dreamcast, homeslice.

>> No.11560096

These came with Seaman on the PS2. Should work fine on windows. Although the mode button makes me think this is one of those controllers that can do analog stick or digital dpad but not both at once.

>> No.11560112

It isn't.

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11559941 No.11559941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Playing this in 2006 was such an ethereal experience. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

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>> No.11560526

>play on PS3
>get stuck for the longest tome because im retarded and got martin septim stuck on the side of a cliff

>> No.11560528

My headcanon

Retro=until 6th gen and 2006 for PC and arcade games

Persona 4 (2008)= Retro

Mario 64 DS (2004)=not retro

Oblivion (2006)=retro

BioShock (2007)=not retro

2006 is the last year a 6th gen console(PS2) dominates the market,that's why i put the limit here

>> No.11560529

True, it was amazing for its time and still is to be honest.
My older brother had a gaming PC back then when it was more rare to have one so he was always playing games like that.

>> No.11560542
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>bought this for the 360 on launch day
>played for 2 hours
>got bored
>it's still sitting on my shelf untouched ever since

>> No.11560548
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>platform: windows xp
>release date: 25 october 2001