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Search: sweaty

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>> No.11008651 [View]

>Red is the color of denial
>Blue is the color associated with acceptance
>"Uh, no sweaty, it should deny!"
Yeah, sure, "But in glorious nippon, circle is good, X is bad", but none of us are Japanese, and I'm sure as hall you ain't Japanese either.

>> No.11006852 [View]

>Pretty much all of them until MK9 are total rubbish competitively
who gives a shit, games are meant to be FUN, not for sweating over how good they are for playing at a tournament filled with other sweaty retards

>> No.11005503 [View]

Nah, it was virtua fighter with less depth. They took the combat from VF2 and took out the necessity of learning all the matchups and counters and replaced it with a rock-paper-scissors hold/strike system. It was the casual friendly fighting game that was enjoyable for normies before everything went tourneyfag sweaty tryhard season pass horseshit. AND it had coomerbait as the cherry on top.

>> No.11001220 [View]

I managed to get my hands on one of these a few years back. I love it as a novelty item but actually playing on it is AIDS. My palms always get sweaty so I need to hold it with a paper towel and it's just too fucking tiny. Very sleek design though.

>> No.11000945 [View]

Oh yes, studios who want to make a profit.

I think people forget 4Chan or internet communities are not the majority, and not everyone hates LGBT...particularly animation fans.

Too many popular cartoons in the last decade, easily among the ones with the biggest fandoms and most profitable fans, have legions of LGBT fans and actual LGBT characters.

Anime is also getting more and more LGBT series, fucking Gundam had a series with a lesbian couple, and before anyone says anything, a lot of the stereotypical anime is made for sweaty nerds, but there are shows without fanservice and many of the tropes people hate that...don't always get translated or are popular outside of Japan but are absolutely made for kids and get mainstream or are made with the mainstream in mind.

Gundam is a franchise like that where you won't see girls with huge breasts wearing nothing, this is a franchise that tries to appeal to everyone in their main non spin-off series, even that got a very prominent lesbian couple in the last season and some fans just try to sell it as a flop when it was pretty succesful to a point where it's Gundam is appearing on fucking Call Of Duty, the only modern Gundam at that as the other units come from the 70's.

Meaning, animation despite a very vocal minority has too big a LGBT fanbase or people who don't hate the LGBT to be worth putting Doug in, a guy who has stated he hates the LGBT.

It's just negative publicity to them.

>> No.10987534 [View]

> dreamcast controller le bad

How many times did we have this fucking thread already?

I had no issues with DC controller whatsoever. Except I had to wipe the dirt off the sticks and triggers all the time because my hands were getting fuckin' sweaty. What's notable is that was the first controller ever where I experienced this. Never had such problem with NES/Genesis ones.

>> No.10986257 [View]

>corkscrew coaster
>comfy seats

>stand-up coaster
>seat is shaped like some sort of bdsm device and you have to rack yourself on the spot where the last guy laid his sweaty ballsack

Seems realistic to me. Standup coasters were the dumbest idea in the history of coasters.

>> No.10977494 [View]
File: 212 KB, 483x347, gravy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember them heavily emphasizing that the games took place in California for the first game with characters like Lotta Hart (afro photographer) and Sal Menella (sweaty l337 g4m3r), and then again in the third game's final case where they had to go to the Fey temple.

I will say, despite the idiotic idea to claim the series takes place entirely in California in the localization, they did have two or three pretty witty translations that by coincidence worked perfectly with the Japanese puns they were trying to replicate, like when Pearl misreads "Grave" as "gravy" when originally she misreads "Kill" as "curry".

>> No.10970063 [View]

Literally any thread on /int/ that even passingly mentions WW2, Japan, or Korea inevitably invokes some sweaty netouyo who copy pastes his war crime denial spergery.

>> No.10953136 [View]

>worse sound/music
Disagree. Some things were better, some worse.
Title Screen music was vastly improved. Far better bass and bassline, better reverby dings (there's a reason why modern Metroid theme more like NES one than FDS). Better atmospheric composition.
Samus appearance has arpeggio which is nice.
Item obtainment - sounds flat on FDS, no trills, and not as much in harmoy.
Ending - FDS has better flute-ish synth sound and without the harsh ADSR attack and release. NES bass tone is still better. Mixing the two would be best.

>If you finish the game in under three hours in the NES version, you will start the second playthrough as suitless Samus with all your collected upgrades. The FDS version does not have this "bonus feature".

Large negative for FDS.

the RNG is a large bonus for FDS.
Save files - large bonus for FDS.
No passwords - large negative for FDS (cuz... it's easier to share passwords than save files - both would be nice).

>The FDS version has short loading times when you go between the five areas in the game, and requires you to flip the disk when starting or saving the game and right before the ending.
Yeeeeah no. Can't wait to get my ass off the couch to flip the fucking disk in the middle of a sweaty summer play constantly.

>The FDS version has far less slowdown than the NES version. This is most noticeable in boss battles, as well as much of Tourian, the last area in the game.
That's a pro.

>In the NES version, Samus can rapid-fire when you hold the B button.
NES bonus.

So... yeah, there's pros and cons to each. Picking the best for each would improve the original - but both have flaws.

>> No.10953112 [View]
File: 2.50 MB, 518x347, 1692524748007034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these salty, butthurt replies. Eat Wario's sweaty ass.

>> No.10952261 [View]

This. Hell, even normie stuff like Mama's Family had lines like this:
>Naomi: This is my sugar packet collection! I pick 'em up at motels. Each and every one has a different name on it!
>Ellen: (picks up a packet and reads it) 'Arthur's Hideaway and Launderette: You tumble, we dry.'

>Naomi: I'm not about to spend my afternoon getting all hot and sweaty over some slimy slug. (about Thelma's garden)
>Thelma: Why not? That's the way you spend your nights!

>Thelma: (to Naomi) Your idea of a workout includes a man, a bed, and a cigarette afterwards!

>> No.10943679 [View]

uhm sweaty, where's Megami Tensei II?

>> No.10939879 [View]

Level 5 hasn't done anything worth talking about in years, their last relatively relevant game was Ni No Kuni 2
But yes 90% of new stuff sucks sweaty donkey balls.

>> No.10939595 [View]
File: 882 KB, 640x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hands sweat a lot, so I used to have to take the back off of my 3DS at least once per session to wipe out the seams and battery compartment or it would start to smell like a sweaty watchband.
I hope you appreciate this visual.

>> No.10913646 [DELETED]  [View]

They look a little sweaty-- a little stinky. Nothing like the lacy and seductive underoos of a proper lady.

>> No.10913457 [View]

Threadly reminder that Mark Frost and Hideo Miyamoto masturbated in a hotel room together in the sweltering summer of 1992 to a video of Kevin Nash being penetrated by multiple sweaty, oiled strongmen (similar to what happened to Cloud in FF7)

>> No.10913390 [View]

Why can't anyone ever put these screens to good use, it's always something utterly retarded.

You're supposed to switch phones every year sweaty, we've been over this.

>> No.10890170 [View]

I just wish Sonic was good for once and not a piece of shit buggy mess for fat, sweaty, grown men fawning over this dumb franchise.

>> No.10878754 [View]

>Do something you find fun dumbass.
I don't find most exercise "fun". I used to like bike riding a lot, actually. I bought and fixed up a few old Schwinns and put untold miles on them going around town. I got tired of it. I started driving to other places to bike so I could have new scenery, but then I got tired of having to drive out after commuting, just to go somewhere and get sweaty, then drive back home. The times when I was regularly busy and active outside of work with other obligations and hobbies were actually the times in my life when I played/enjoyed video games the least.

>I promise you if you spend more time doing something other than /vr/ gaymin the /vr/ gayms will be more enjoyable when you come back to them
I'm happy for you and anyone else who finds this is a good formula for staying engaged with your hobbies, but it just doesn't work for me. The more I do, the less I seem to enjoy any of it.

Agree with this, although I never heard anyone who skipped the game because of Cappy. I thought transforming into enemies was one of the better 3D Mario gimmicks, and I loved how you could time your tosses so you could extend your jumps off them. Just an amazingly fluid three-dimensional control experience. It's crazy how sloppy even Mario Galaxy feels by comparison.

>> No.10866213 [View]

>Then you must really hate Japanese arcade preservation groups.
Sure, I do. They're scum.

>Stop wasting time here and go after the bigger fish.
I'm not going to waste my time calling scum scum. They know they're scum, what's the point?

I'm not posting here with the delusion that you will suddenly realise that you're a faggot, a faggot is just what you are by default because you make excuses for hoarders. Which is why now you've switched to "uhh but I only suck off a few sweaty nerds online for access to a couple of crappy protos, what about these guys who hoard more games they're worse than me!" as your argument. I really don't care if you do or don't release whatever garbage you've collected from buddying up with other losers, I just think you're an absolute joke of a person.

>> No.10865127 [View]

new things make old things irrelevant and silly to recommend, sweaty

>> No.10864893 [View]

Yes, crybaby
um new things don't make old things disappear, sweaty.

>> No.10864457 [View]

um it's UDPBD now sweaty

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