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Search: style over substance

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>> No.11009138 [View]

style over substance. the actual gameplay is pretty bad.

>> No.11005530 [View]

i dunno, i'd argue 3 has the worst ones. every time a really interesting one happens they squander it instantly.
>get to the starfighter mission
>has unique weapons
>holy fuck i get to go to space???
>4 stationary targets
>mission accomplished
what the fuck were they thinking? the cutscene to gameplay ratio is insane too. you watch 20 minutes of codec conversations only to have a mission that lasts 2-3 minutes afterwards.

i still like the game but just like R4, which probably shared team members with AC3, it's all style over substance.

>> No.10992602 [View]

> that's a big write off of what the state of saroo is right now
It can't run the Saturn's pack-in title without game specific configurations. That would be like an SNES flash cart being unable to play Super Mario World without you needing to tinker with the config files.

>anything over 100 dollars is overpriced my friend.
Fenrir is about as cheap as you can get without taking shortcuts. Satiator is expensive because Abrasive refuses to outsource it to China and have a bunch of knock-offs pop up overnight. Which if you don't think that's a serious threat there's already been idiots trying to reverse engineer it and then come to him asking he fix it when they brick it. As a result he has it made in the US which I can respect.

MODE I'll agree is overpriced style over substance.

>I dont care I want cheap!
Good for you. But I'm still going to point out the issues Saroo has and the flaw in it's approach of patching games to make them work.

>> No.10991841 [View]

Mortal Kombat has always been style over substance. Game's janky as shit, can't even hold a candle to Capcom's lesser fighting games.

>> No.10975459 [View]

I loved getting good at these games. People saying they're bad or style over substance are modern ADHD riddled tik-tok addicted goofs.
Solid games that just happen to look amazing. Even the weird gameplay style shifts were nice to have back then.

>> No.10964737 [View]
File: 35 KB, 354x339, main-qimg-e4a92841e5b47293baa031b806efae8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X fans don't even like half the X games
>There is basically no platforming in the X games
>You have to constantly spam the dash button to move at your top speed. Classic's slide has a risk/reward because you can't shoot while sliding, but the dash button just turns MMX into Cookie Clicker
>Buster upgrades and Z-saber make special weapons pointless
>There is never any strategy with dispatching enemies, you just run and shoot without stopping to think or position yourself because you're never in danger
>The X games all start with a shitty intro stage
>The classics have more flexible boss order because there's no backtracking
>The classics have better music
The story is more involved in the X games but the actual gameplay is worse despite being flashier. It's the ultimate example of style over substance.

>> No.10963852 [View]

Typical style-over-substance burgerjank

>> No.10932734 [View]

this entire series is the definition of style over substance. that's why

>> No.10884140 [View]

I don't have much to add to what other posters have already said, EJ has all the flaws of the typical 16bit western platformers, artstyle more preoccupied of looking cool than of making clear what the platforms and hazards are, excessive animations that get in the way of movement feeling good, no real flow to the platforming and more of a constant meandering across annoying obstacles, awkward shooting due to the game rarely having simple horizontal platforms (again for the sake of the style over substance art direction), generally dodgy hit detection, too fucking many gimmick levels because making a good platformer wasn't good enough, I could go on and on. It's just not good.

>> No.10871997 [View]

>I prefer style over substance
Yep, you're a saturntard.

>> No.10871176 [View]

TSA is worth trying out, though it is a very polarizing game (I say that as someone who likes it a lot).

Generation is just…really average. The multiplayer actually has a lot of nice options and I feel it doesn’t get credit for that, but while the single player is the focus of the game I feel like it’s a significant step back from the adventure focused Bombermans that came before it. To me the game usually just feels like going through the motions, like it’s really not bad but there isn’t a whole lot of substance either. I also hate how lazy it is that Bomberman only has a single expression textured on his face the entire game.

Still, they at least tried. R was okay for what it is but I’m over the classic style grid bombermans, I want more adventure games. Unfortunately >>10869939 is probably right.

>Konami is trying to spearhead Bombergirl as the new franchise face
She had literally one jp only arcade game six years ago and besides a pc port she’s had nothing since. She’s dead man.

>> No.10870802 [View]

Never could stand Earthworm Jim. Textbook 16 bit eurojank platformer, just more polished than most. Style over substance graphics where you can't even tell what the platforms are supposed to be, more concern over the animation rather than making the movement feel good, half of the game is gimmick stages, etc.

>> No.10865019 [View]

Style over substance, just like every single one of his games, but the style is so cool and unique that I don't care. The gameplay is tolerable. Worth a playthrough for sure.

>> No.10862682 [View]

Hugely overrated slog of a game with more down time than any shmup should have. A textbook example of style over substance.

>> No.10819062 [View]

Those are really good wads whether you like GZDoom stuff or not, if one thing were to be bumped off that list to make room for ashes, probably maskim xul, it's style over substance

a big part of Blood is finding secret powerups, off the top of my head there's an invisibility and an invuln that you have enough time to take into that room, and if you're brave (or have a quicksave), flaregun altfire to clear it

>> No.10818203 [View]

Practically its whole library is ruined by the one button joystick standard. Most of the really impressive demoscene stuff only runs at extremely flickery 50Hz. Games are mostly style over substance graphics whore crap. Both the hardware and the OS (preemptive multitasking long before PCs had it) are impressive for the time, but I can't think of a single great Amiga exclusive.

>> No.10787753 [View]

>consistently most expensive hardware
>focus on style over substance
>proudly boasted about having the most brand-focused consoomer base
>hardware designed around planned obsolescence
>bizarre pretentious adverts
Sony is the Apple of gaming.

>> No.10786118 [View]

Yeah, despite all the cool car models in R4, the regular cars are all just incremental speed/handling upgrades. Even in Time Attack, I only find myself using Squalo, Destroyer, and the Extra Trial cars. And even then, Nightmare and Vulcano arguably make Squalo redundant, but Squalo looks too cool to not use.
As much as I love R4, it's very much style over substance when you cut out the padding.

>> No.10736154 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x432, IMG_9149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruins arcade racers forever
Nothing personal kid, style over substance.
everyone loves realism

>> No.10717539 [View]
File: 201 KB, 1920x2400, Argo - Large enemies (1986).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick by my previous statement of it being mostly style over substance. It's large battles are cool, but do become repetitive. Air battles required me to activate them, so I didn't even do that many of them. Water battles only appear in 1 region (Okeanos) and they are just air battles.

The dungeon crawler battles are basic. Run or attack, there is no strategy. The dungeon segments itself is largely sort of open space with very little actual landmarks that isn't walls, rocks or trees/bushes. These things might change forms if you walk into a different chunk (walls get doors, bushes becomes rocks). The game does give you maps for every region, though some are hard to find without a map as they require you to either kill an NPC, find a random NPC or bump into the correct wall to find a hidden shop. Upgrade items are indicated a bit better, though some upgrades are drops that only drop if you kill a big enemy by sword.

The line between overworld and dungeon is blurry. Polyms is the final area, but it's just an overworld map sized labyrinth. The tower has floors, but those are far smaller.
The entrance to the tower is just a blank space that's not even shown on the map like NPCs/statues are. I guess the same goes for Polyms, but atleast that was in a suspicious walled square.

Items were unclear as NPCs hardly mention them and there's no description. I assume the manual explained it as was the norm. Magic largely works the same except for a spell like Veil which is actually protective instead of projectile. It trivializes the final boss and certain big fights, but I assume in the former's case having a decent amount of that spell is actually needed.

It's a mostly setpieceless dungeon crawler with large wastelands for dungeons where you occasionally have to grind to progress. The large battles are the setpieces, but they become too common (and the big lion takes way too long).

I'll just dump the enemies whilst I'm at it.

>> No.10713542 [View]
File: 1.29 MB, 640x422, Big Battle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran into one, the actual combat is simple. Dodge and then charge at them. Definitely style over substance, but pretty cool for 1986.

Here's a .webm, keep in mind that they loom up over the horizon as the battle start too. This one wasn't particularly difficult and you seem to be able to get magic to (I assume) shoot fireballs back?

>> No.10708301 [View]
File: 118 KB, 640x913, SLES-51236-F-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's short and style over substance but it really does have amazing style and makes for a great time to just turn your brain off and blast/mash away.

On harder difficulties you do have to worry about positioning and managing your meter carefully. Even though on Kick-Ass you can get one-shot by bosses it doesn't feel too cheap because they're still easy enough to beat.

Was probably a great rental back in the day.

>> No.10704590 [View]

Different guy, but the vast expanses of nothing is one of the reasons I couldn't really stick to the game.

The large expanses are nice for a sense of scale, but I feel that the fact that there's virtually never any reason to explore them really hurts that, it feels wasted. Not that I need the game world loaded down with fetch quests and bonus dungeons and stuff, but there's just no reason to veer off into the random wilds. If the overworld map was iust about half the size (which would still be big), but then occasionally had some little things here and there to actually go and look for, that'd be more giving.
Could just be a modest item reward, or a little joke or Easter Egg, some little optional lore morsel, something that gives you just a little chuckle or makes you go "Huh." and then you go back to the road.
Reward the player for exploring the world you built up.

I realize I'm being Captain Hindsight over this, and that they may not have been able to get all that adventurous with their cartridge capacity, but I always liked Earthbound ever since I chanced on the ROM on a whim 22-23 years ago, and Mother has its own style and feel which appeals to me. I guess I just wish that it had more substance in that aspect.

Didn't love the high encounter rate or DQ style grind, but I feel I'd been more inclined to 'put up with it' for a less thinly spread game world.

>> No.10678756 [View]

the ultimate style over substance game.

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