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/vr/ - Retro Games

Search: nintendildo

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>> No.10164150 [View]

>closed-source paypigware that implemented f-queero elements because nintendildo poofters kept on whinging for it


>> No.10142394 [View]

lol I'm not, it WAS him: >>10142042
He likely grew up playing only euro computer games and is completely mad that these games of his childhood aren't still liked today, whereas console games are liked.
I guess he targets Nintendo because Nintendo are an easy target to hate if you're a bitter person, and he can also orchestrate falseflags, pitching Sega and Sony fans against Nintendo. He doesn't really like any japanese game anyways.
That's the QRD, if you want to see for yourself, go to the archives and look up any of the following keywords: nintendildo, shiturn, nezz, snezz

>> No.10104076 [View]

Your mom uses Nintendildo when she thinks of me, Ausbro.

>> No.10102842 [View]

Nice failed spoiler tag, Nintendildo.

>> No.10085103 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 476x268, may you get caught.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You newfags need to stop falling for australiakun's bait.
>Reminder that if you see keywords such as
>>Superiour (in the context of exaggerated anti-nintendo shitposting)
>Then you're dealing with /vr/'s lolcow, australiakun.
>He is not a Sega fan, he does not like japanese video games and I doubt he even likes video games at all. He's just angry about Nintendo and the fact british microcomputer games re forgotten in current year.

>> No.10085046 [View]

You newfags need to stop falling for australiakun's bait.
Reminder that if you see keywords such as
>Superiour (in the context of exaggerated anti-nintendo shitposting)
Then you're dealing with /vr/'s lolcow, australiakun.
He is not a Sega fan, he does not like japanese video games and I doubt he even likes video games at all. He's just angry about Nintendo and the fact british microcomputer games re forgotten in current year.

>> No.10084148 [View]

kek, another thread of auster falseflagging as a Sega fanboy just to vent about the company from Kyoto that lives rent free inside of him

>> No.10083384 [View]

cope moar, nintendildo

>> No.10047692 [View]

>dumbass nintendildo analogy that has nothing to do with save-states
This comparison only applies to arcade games with warps, and I can't even think of 5 games like this. Rad Mobile I guess? And even that one punishes you for using warps. Cope

>> No.10031420 [View]
File: 416 KB, 954x1009, me-speccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dilate harder, nintendildo

>> No.9992017 [View]

Dracula X on Snezz has slowdowns too, lying Nintendildo.

Anyway, it's more impressive that PC Engine slows down for as little as it does considering all that Rondo is doing with the backgrounds and such (PCE can't natively do parallax).

Also, how come Snezz didn't receive a proper port of Dracula X? Was it perhaps... not up to the task, due to inferiour hardware? Heh.

Oh well. Enjoy your purple spear dudes spammed everywhere because Snezz can't handle all the enemies with their animations intact from the real Dracula X, only for PC Engine, an actually competent system.

>> No.9930798 [View]

3D plane bmups take more skill because you have to actually line yourself up with the enemy as well as pay attention to getting ganked from along the z-axis, getting encircled, etc. Crowd control is much easier in a sidescroller.

Wouldn't expect a Nintendildo to know how to play a belt scroller well, though.

>> No.9928848 [DELETED]  [View]

Falseflag thread from a buttmad Nintendildo trying to cope with the fact he never got a shmup this good on any Ninty system.

>> No.9815146 [DELETED]  [View]

Shitty gimmicky tranime shovelware for speedtroon weirdos and nintendildo'd yanks desperate for something to play on their failed 5th gen ninty system. If you want an actually good scotformer from this era, go play Adventures of Lomax for the PS1.

>> No.9798352 [View]

>better Treasure game
Literally no one thinks GBA Gunstar is better than the Genesis version, silly Nintendildo.

>> No.9725041 [View]

>noooo not my nintendildo 8th gen console
Literally fuck off back to /v/ you worthless transexual

>> No.9699792 [View]

Post your Sonic 1 deathless clear, Nintendildo.

>> No.9696459 [View]
File: 139 KB, 1079x824, vrtan_fm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fanbases but single shitposters or groups of shitposters, in order of annoyance:
1) /v/ console warriors. You know, those who use "snoy", "tendie" and similar words. Probably the majority of the board now, mostly people who grew up with 6th and 7th gen, maybe some 5th gen. But although they never played much 5th gen, are the ones that start shitposting about it the most. PS1 vs N64 niggers are the worst.
2) emulation vs real hardare tards. Usually consists of many of the group 1 sameniggers.
3) australia-kun or whoever spams these low IQ shit all the time (sega system, trashure, shiturn, nintendildo, etc)
4) /vg/ kids who pretend to be hardcore gamers but are just failures at life, haven't seem them around here in a while though, but I don't browse as often since the rule changed anyway.

>> No.9683819 [DELETED]  [View]

Jet Set Willy 2 (1985) had scrolling.

Cope and dilate forever, Nintendildo.

>> No.9673312 [View]

>Akogingu is okay but strange, a curious B Team effort.
It's actually A-team effort (KCET, same people behind the Castlevania games) and the best non-linear Goemon game in the franchise.

>Oedo is okay but mostly rehashes of the SFC games.
You mean a refinement over the ideas that the SFC Goemon games tried, and vastly more enjoyable to play than GGA with its 30fps, shitty town sidequests and bad hitboxes.

Keep coping and making up boogeymans that only exist in your head though, Nintendildo.

>> No.9645809 [View]

Nintendildo shills detected

>> No.9640523 [View]

Enjoy your massive slowdowns, gimmicky mode 7 shit, boring slow autoscroll sequences, and unimaginative and less impressive bosses compared to Sega GnG then, Nintendildo.

>> No.9602364 [DELETED]  [View]

Cope, you just can't handle hardcore gameplay where you have to commit to your jumps.
Also pushing Up to jump is objectively better than having it mapped to its own button.

There is nothing worth playing on shitendo's overrated systems, silly nintendildo.

>> No.9522364 [DELETED]  [View]

Played a little more. Just had to do a mandatory super strict timed puzzle that requires a pixel perfect jump. Fuck this BS.

Nintendildo fanboys aren't allowed in this thread.

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