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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11024302 No.11024302 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the best deal in retro PC gaming?

>> No.11024312

RARE rapelay, it's not even close. The collection itself is composed of retro games.

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11024234 No.11024234 [Reply] [Original]

Are (You) one of the three (3) fans of Grabbed by the Ghoulies?

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>> No.11024298

No but I killed one of them does that count

>> No.11024301

I think Ghoulies means Ghouls

>> No.11024310

This game was so plain and boring. Nearly nothing about the game was exciting. Complete waste of time to play.

>> No.11024317

No, this anon is right >>11024289
In an interview with Rare devs they said the title of the game was a play on words of getting grabbed by the gonads but with a british slang, i think it was "gollies"

>> No.11024342

Sadly it seems only he thought it was good/funny. My young cousin had it when it came out and I dreaded going to his house incase he played it. It was literally that bad. Utter shit, Greg, kiss my hairy ass you failure

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11024191 No.11024191 [Reply] [Original]

What retro sports games have you been playing lately besides 2K5? Anything interesting to recommend?

I've been messing around with NBA Action 98 for Saturn the last couple days. Pretty interesting game, you can definitely feel the 2K DNA in it. It's definitely aged better than most basketball sims of the era.

>> No.11024194

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

>> No.11024252

nfl 2k2 on the dreamcast. got a dynasty season going on and im 3 seasons in.... 2 losing seasons and this seasons we're 5-1 right now. seems a couple of my trades worked in my favor.

>> No.11024264
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>> No.11024323

pity my xbox emulator stopped reading discs once I updated it to the most recent version. fuck devs that put in "anti piracy" methods for emulators for old dead systems that arent sold anymore and the game are all used games. what an absolute retarded choice to make. you need muh physical copies of the disc faggotry. fuck that dev i'd stab him in his juggular for such a shit choice

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11024140 No.11024140 [Reply] [Original]

> noooo fuck you Light for being smarter than me, i'll never forgive that, i'll, i'll, i'll transcend time to fuck up all of mankind and robotkind and myself for centuries you'll see just how good I am at that!

>> No.11024213

Sounds like me

>> No.11024283
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11024110 No.11024110 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your buster-only run*

>> No.11024114
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*blocks your busta-only run*

>> No.11024209

What's up, Doc?

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11024104 No.11024104 [Reply] [Original]

Is EZ Flash just for poor people?

>> No.11024150

>had a GBC growing up
>GBA rolls around
>almost no-one has one or cares
>vaguely aware of a new set of pokemon games for it
>feel like I missed out (turns out I was wrong)
>now older with money to burn
>get a GBA
>investigate flash carts
>everyone says the EZ Flash is best
>want one
>bunch of recommended sites to get them
>none of them carry it any more
>DS piracy is still rife
>end up ordering the EZ Flash from some incredibly sketchy chinese site
>thang yu for you odder
>here ah yu odder details
>get presented with name, address, phone number and full credit card details of some random swedish dude
>shows up 3-4 weeks later
>it takes a miniSD card
>never heard of miniSD
>post about that here a few years later
>get relentlessly shat on for not knowing about it
>literally nothing I've seen or used before or after then has used it
>manage to order one from somewhere
>EZ Flash works fine with it
>1 year later
>get a DS
>much less trouble
I'm pretty sure the new EZ Flash is completely different from the old one, I was surprised they reused the name.

>> No.11024172

Everdrive people no speak english either though right

>> No.11024219

Based chinks doxxing that random swede

>> No.11024335

Early EX flashes sucked ass but so did every GBA flash cart. The Omega Definitive edition or whatever it's call is actually the perfect GBA flashcart, it does everything.

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11024030 No.11024030 [Reply] [Original]

Two rules:
>we don't judge fighting games for being unbalanced, unless they are totally unplayable
>we don't judge fighting games for having no tourney scene or not being played on fightcade
As long as the game is fun, it belongs here. So, what are you playing? Who are you maining? What's your top 3 in the genre? What fighting game is your guilty pleasure?

>> No.11024102
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KoF is my eternal fave, I love them all up to 11 but could never pick a fave between 98 and 02. I like to play just about everyone, but my go to when I want to pull out a win is Iori, Athena, Kim.

Second favorite would be Mortal Kombat 2, which really doesn't hold up well but still has a special place in my heart because of how obsessed with it I was and it got me to truly love the genre.

After that it's hard as there are a ton I love so picking just one is hard. There's a lot I like about SF3, but similarly with Darkstalkers, Samshow and big shout out to Budokan which still delights me in it's weirdness. But to chose just one more I'd give it to Last Blade 2.

Guilty pleasures if you could call them that aren't retro, MK9 and Injustice the later of which I was super deep into at the time. The guiltiest of pleasures being blaring the Wonder Woman theme over the mic while moping the floor with people.

>> No.11024132
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What are some funny fighting games

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11023965 No.11023965 [Reply] [Original]

>that mission where Vader is your windman
>that mission where you personally save the Emperor's shuttle
>that Secret Order of the Empire secret plotline

One of the best games ever

>> No.11024370

sounds nice

>> No.11024372
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>sounds nice

i don't have a joystick tho

without a joystick it's not worth it, buds

I guess you can use gamepad yep

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11023935 No.11023935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


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11023905 No.11023905 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential /m/ retro games?
Already played the A.C.E 3 Trilogy

>> No.11023920

Assault Suit Leynos / Valken
Front Mission: Gun Hazard
Virtual On
Zone of the Enders
Custom Robo series
Armored Core series
Carnage Heart
Tail Concerto

>> No.11023923

Not Armoured Core or Robotech, that's for sure.

>> No.11024229

Why exactly?

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11023902 No.11023902 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about these koopas. Why do they wear the mask?

>> No.11024091

The joke is that the game becomes Halloween themed, which means Koopas wear scary masks, ie Mario masks. Mario is like some mass murderer to them.

>> No.11024106

Yeah Mario has a I Am Legend sort of background story

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11023873 No.11023873 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate.

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>> No.11024306

There's a greater debate:
Is OP a huge retarded faggot?

>> No.11024313

>N64: 388 games
>Saturn: 1028 games
>PS1: 4105 games
"Would you rather have more games or less games?" Gee I wonder

>> No.11024318

Time has judged cartridges to be better from a financial standpoint. Hand-me-down and used N64 carts (along with the GBA and DS) have created brand loyalty in this generation of zoomers that has allowed Nintendo to flourish. Millennials didn't trust their younger siblings, nieces, and nephews with their discs. Or if they did the discs didn't stand up to the handling from grubby little-kid hands.

>> No.11024325

That's basically a type of cartridge.
SSDs are so cheap now you could put individual games on them and configure your emulator to load whatever game is on them automatically if you wanted that tactile cart swapping experience.

>> No.11024380

Cartridges are obviously the best format because flash memory is superior in 2024, which retroactively must mean it was better in the 90's too
t. a coping retard

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11023869 No.11023869 [Reply] [Original]

by lowering settings in this game to the lowest possible it can look almost like a completely different game
nowadays you dont really notice that much of dramatic drop in visual quality going from medium, low or high like starfield for example
what changed?

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>> No.11024095

Finally, some gen 7 on /vr/

>> No.11024228

It became deluxe ps360 over a decade ago.

>> No.11024262

Were the graphics the only hype around this game? I played through 2 twice and it was cool but it wasnt some mind blowing experience

>> No.11024265

>Were the graphics the only hype around this game?
Absolutely, it's whole marketing and the game's very raison d'etre was its graphical benchmark.

>> No.11024293

Not retro.

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11023824 No.11023824 [Reply] [Original]

>made few months after Doom 2 released
>actual real 3-D Engine
>created the immersive sim genre, directly inspired Deux Ex, Bioshock, Dishonored, Thief, etc
>The atmosphere is still impressive and hold up to this day
>Shodan as a villian is 100% perfect
>Iconic and great weapons (fuck you stun gun and riot gun)
>Although maze-like, the level design is great

A must play for everyone. Expecially after the Enhanced Edition Update, as you can now actually controll the game without having a stroke and athritis.

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>> No.11024296

Ultima Underworld is best known for making Bethesda a little bit nervous before they released Arena. If it was actually a good game we might've dodged Skyshit

>> No.11024308

Just don't be bad at video games

>> No.11024324

>Just enjoy driving a car with square wheels

>> No.11024379

Controls are more complex, but you'll learn them pretty quick. You don't have psi powers or such, and the combat focuses on using gun, you also got throwable grenades coming in different types. Inventory is simplyfied, no stats to upgrade and and generally less content compared to SS2

Its hard to compare these two. Both are pretty good, but I would say SS1 requires more dedication, and cant really be played as "casualy" as SS2

>> No.11024393

remake is better

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11023804 No.11023804 [Reply] [Original]

PS2's desaturated brown-grey visuals, home...

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>> No.11024016

I like silent hill 2 and 3's approach. The subject matter of the environments is drab but the art style itself is fully saturated with stark blacks and occasional lighting and texturing that pops.

>> No.11024056

I like the ones from megadrive, psx, ps2, dreamcast, gba, gbc, PC, xbox and supernes

>> No.11024098

if I could only fit 1 PS2 tony hawk game, which is the best one (singleplayer and multiplayer wise)

>> No.11024146

3 is the last real tony hawk, 4 onwards fell for the open world format

>> No.11024169

>single player
there's only one answer, THUG.

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11023731 No.11023731 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't they just make Adventure 3 rather than this bullshit?

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>> No.11024192

sonic 4 was just sonic the portable until some executive had the big idea that "if we trick them into thinking it's sonic 4 it'll sell more!" before the game tanked, the brand tanked, and he probably blamed the devs and got promoted

>> No.11024202

That's embarrassing, they could've ported the Stealth remasters of S1-2 to platforms outside of Android/iOS around that time.

>> No.11024203

Pocket Adventure exists though

>> No.11024205

That was just portable Sonic 2, but with 3&K's music.

>> No.11024216
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>the game tanked, the brand tanked, and he probably blamed the devs and got promoted
They don't think it be like it is.
But it do.

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11023725 No.11023725 [Reply] [Original]

Jajamaru is an obscure video game series from ancient Japan

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>> No.11023769

How is the 3d Saturn game?

>> No.11023810

I'm the ranked number #1 worldwide player in a particular map on a particular console of the newest Jajamaru game, ask me anything.

>> No.11023814

I've only played the PSX version of that, and it looks like the PSX version is basically a prototype while the Saturn version is the finished game. Anyway, it's okay. Not bad, not great.

Like all Jajamaru games.

>> No.11023953

How did you hear about this series

>> No.11024101

I had always heard the name around but I think I only really tried it after playing "Haggleman" in the GCCX DS game, which is an homage to Jajamaru, and I liked it enough to check the originals.

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11023621 No.11023621 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Jedi Outcast so much better than Academy

>> No.11023630

Because the campaign in Academy sucks.

>> No.11023631

I played academy because it was $10 cheaper. Online duels were fun but I always lost. Played pretty good on my dell inspiron 1100.

>> No.11023654

It wasn't.
People just hated it because it was different.

>> No.11023670

This games pretty fucking huge, it starts really slow though

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11023603 No.11023603 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Anons.
This is edited radio stations for VC.
Have fun.


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>> No.11024210

The 2000s had tons of distinct culture anon kun were you just too young for it? Maybe in 10 or 15 years time all the millenials will let you know about it from their perspective

>> No.11024214

Just play 4 lol

>> No.11024220

Please screenshot and post file list, I'm not redownloading GTA radio if it's the same as what I got

>> No.11024243
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>or if the 00s just didn't have culture
People say shit like this and then complain about things back in this era were "edgy and too different". Make up your minds.

>> No.11024279

GTAIV was set in 2008.

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11023579 No.11023579 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you remember the greatest robot game on PlayStation II

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>> No.11024173

The trick is to respond but to put sage in the options tab

>> No.11024258

You can't sage anymore

>> No.11024278

Of course you can >>11024269

>> No.11024346

Doesn't look like sage too me

>> No.11024364

Do you not know what the term means? Look at the timestamp and that it didn't go to the top of the catalog. Like this one. What did you think it does?÷