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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1078318 [View]

This sounds pretty awesome. I'm from the NES and SNES era so I don't know much about the old stuff. I was under the impression that one of the atari models is super rare and one is super shitty and common? But again I don't really know much or where to look for that info since I don't have much free time at the moment.

No I don't mind pong in colour i just wanna have some fun playing with a friend and pong is a really fun game.

>> No.1078310 [View]

Same here to an extent. My asian girlfriend has typical asian friends and we live a few towns away from where my highschool friends are and I rarely see them. We are both quite lonely over here and don't have much in common as far as games go. So most of my gaming is done alone and maybe once a month I can hang with my friends at one friend's house and play nes and snes all night, which is pretty awesome but I wish it was like it was when we were younger ;( (that's a sad face emoticon please don't lose your shit gals)

>> No.1078217 [View]

it's not one of those "chinese" models that was made not too long ago is it? I want something authentic but if one of those chinese made ones has some good variations then I will look into that for my second option.

>> No.1078205 [View]

This sounds promising. What is the Definitive "PONG" that you can hook up to a CRT and play with a friend? Something that is common and cheap to find at a garage sale or flea market, I would imagine it's going to be made of wood.

I'm looking for a very comfy and well coded game of pong and maybe a more complex one where you can move in all directions and just have a real fun time against a friend screwing around. Does anybody have recommendations?

>> No.1070501 [View]

What? Serious? I don't even remember deleting memory card files or anything just always filling them up

>> No.1068446 [View]

Can you make me a Bloody Mary Fuck that castle, I hadn't played my file in like 2 years and I was saved a couple areas just before the castle and had a hell of a time in there.

>> No.1068406 [View]

I would have loved the game to take place inside that entire city, it was amazing. And yes, that feeling was incredible when you left the city. I never actually figured out how to catch Chocobo's and ended up running through the swamp. Did anybody else do this?

>> No.1056830 [View]

Funny thing, I played this on an Emulator maybe a little over a year ago at a friend's house and we had a blast. I then went to ebay because I thought, Hey this should be pretty cheap since it's a basic game. The problem was I couldn't find ANY copies on eBay under the name Uniracer or Unirally and I think one copy came up from the UK for Unirally and it was mint in box for like 100$ plus shipping. So I then assumed it was a rarity. Then about two months ago I was at the flea market and found a copy for 5$ in great shape, just the cart. I bought it right away and then checked eBay to see if the prices had changed and I found like 20 copies going for 10-15$ .

It's a fun game now I just need to get some friends over to play it.

>> No.1056738 [View]

is that guy stomping on your head?

>> No.1055692 [View]

oh man I saw that thread you posted in and found out they were bootlegs. Taught me how to check for fake CD's. I would definately be interested BUT it's too much of a hassle for me and at the moment I can't spend much money on collectibles. You probly won't have any trouble finding a buyer though.

>> No.1055498 [View]

western canada, same here. When it first came out we said PLAYSTATION and then when the PEE ESS TWO came out we called it the PS1 and PS2. Never heard anybody say Pee Ess Ex.

>> No.1048638 [View]

Woah this looks pretty fucken awesome dude. Except it has quite a bit of Japanese text, I only watched the first 5 minutes of the video but it seems a little self explanatory but I don't wanna jump into anything that could be hard to understand later on.

Is it worth getting the english rom?

>> No.1048532 [View]

I really like the map designs in the first DKC and wish that they remade it and added extra levels, like, in this particular map maybe making the route go through the water and it has a water level or the route goes to the roof and you have a vine climbing level.

>> No.1048521 [View]


Thanks for actually contributing, I will be looking into a lot of these games

>> No.1048472 [View]

You are the reseller scum people are talking about. Some guy wanted to buy Hagane at the market and you grabbed it and sent it straight to eBay. But I guess most of us would do the same if we weren't interested in the game itself or looking for a complete collection.

>> No.1046476 [View]

For some reason it's the least memorable in the whole game. Everybody forgets it. I couldn't even really tell what the map was supposed to be when I first beat it.

>> No.1039945 [View]

Ok so where do we stand right now? This thread is basically one guy trying to discuss some fun Japanese games we can buy on eBay and play on our western systems to a bunch of people saging and shit posting.

I am genuinely interested in what OP is asking about. Whether it's because a game is more expensive for the English version or there are Japanese only versions of games that are amazing. I would love to have some Shmups or some Platformers that are fun and unique and don't require me to study Japanese (I know some basics from highscool) .

The only japanese games I have are copies of games I already own like SMRPG and Seiken Densetsu 2 so I can't really recommend anything right now.

What are some good:


>> No.1039212 [View]

It's two creatures. Simple enough. Smithy designed it in his stupid factory, go ask him what the fuck he was thinking.

>> No.1039209 [View]

Snitt scared the crap outta me, just look at him. Didn't phil go on to do his own Game Review show?
Video and Arcade Top Ten was a garbage show that gave you the shittiest tips "Hold A to jump higher, Cut down the bushes to get rupees" and yet we were always so happy on that lazy saturday to see it come on channel 25 (west coast here) and entertain us for a few minutes. I dont even know why they bothered with the "music news" and "movie news" segments and why were all the prizes so shitty?

>> No.1039171 [View]

I thought he was a cricket and the cape looking thing was his shell/wings that crickets have. He was hiding in the bush which is why i thought he was an insect.

>> No.1035153 [View]

wow fuck the clue finders, making me feel like an idiot. I think in grade 4 i got the grade 5 one or in grade 5 i got the grade 6 one and it had all kinds of chemistry questions that we never learned about until highschool, stuff like mixing chemicals and alkali metals and shit. It was interesting though.

>> No.1030348 [View]

make sure it works first. oh and hot glue works wonders, it's not conductive and it holds very well

>> No.1027649 [View]

First was DKC because it came with my SNES for christmas of 95' but I may have been playing Donkey Kong JR on the NES before that but not really sure.

Favourite is all of them. I love to play all 3 in order and go 101% 102% 103% they all shine differently.

>> No.1021304 [View]

Kid Dinx!?!?!?! bahahahahaha

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