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>> No.5060343 [View]

Recently looking at Sunstorm's website archive we found out that the Casino secret level was supposed to come after the cruise ship, not be a secret level, while Lost Lagoon was supposed to.

I shat bricks because I always felt like the Casino map fit better after the Ship level. In fact, for more than a decade I never knew where the secret level exit was and i'd always use cheat to play it after the boat.

In fact, if you exclude/change the very last outdoor area of the casino, the entire map could very well be inside the ship.
Plus, the way the secret level exit is handled makes no sense at all.

I understand that switching these two maps was for the better, as the casino has a more repetitive theme, while Lost Lagoon gives a much better level progression and adventure feel.

My question is, was the casino EVER meant to be inside the ship?
Also what was the plan with the "shipwreck" mentionned on the site too? I suppose the ship supposed to wreck in a similar fasion to RR:RA's Gamblin' Boat to create a link to Lost Lagoon?

Was there ever more of the Iguana enemy than that one frame?

>> No.5060298 [View]

It's not just the fact that there is an outdoor area and that this outdoor area has or is a secret. It's the way they are concieved to.

Travis didn't invent that, it is a Doom formula, but he certainly has a unique way of thinking this kind of stuff.

>> No.5059084 [View]

One thing I have to say against Lunar Apocalypse... is that they lack many features which defined DN3D. The realism and real life immersion, the humour...

I think that's why people considering ep2 "generic" when it's everything but that.

But finally, once you know the game as well as I do, played hundreds of times for 20 years, these points of realism and humour have stopped effecting me to the same degree, so I give more credit to the crazy layouts, architecture and effects, and well crafted gameplay (against ep3's often random enemy placement, for instance)

>> No.5054852 [View]

No. The game is designed with the contrary in mind. Except from grenades you only can find each weapon once through the entire game.

>> No.5054838 [View]

>life system

Powerslave does that, it's cool

>time limit


>> No.5054589 [View]

BMFM is a great game, but it has balancing issues.

Vinnie and Modo are definitely OP with their turbo systems, although damn they are fun.

Modo's turbo system is very easy to achieve, and he can kill anyone trying to overtake him with it...

Vinnie's turbo is a lot harder to master, but once you do, it's actually a lot faster than Modo's.

All the other chars suck.

Great game though

>> No.5054567 [View]

EP2 has the best layouts, craziest architecture and effects, a fantastic atmosphere, and amazing gameplay outside of a few "fuck you" Drones.

EP3 has a few really great maps like Flood Zone but is very uneven, very rough on the edges, and gameplay is a lot worse.

EP1 is great but short, and limited in terms of weapons and enemies.

EP4 is also uneven, very gimmicky, and rough in many places too. Most of the maps are based on old rejects and beta material and it shows.

EP5 has only 2 truely good maps and is the most flawed.

>> No.5054547 [View]

Except the 2nd episode of Duke is the best.

>> No.5044729 [View]

Why else would you post a screenshot but for other people to "chime in" ?
Maybe you don't like the answer, but, your textures looked wash off. Like a pair of jeans one would wear on sundays that have been owned for a decade.
I have played BTSX but noone except maybe actual pro computer artists would rememeber the precise shade of each pixel. It's just how they look at first sight, and quick google search for comparison confirms it.

Like you said they have potential, and granted you have been given the right to use them, they need more work to look good in Duke.

>> No.5044686 [View]

I don't remember the original textures and this has potential indeed but you should work on the conversion a bit more imo, some of the colours look very messy, in a "this is not supposed to look like this" way.

Also aligne those pillar and wall textures and use the ceiling window as an opportunity for strong lighting/shading differences. There could be some big shadows behind the pillars for instance.

Also why is that staircase askew? and where is it going? Even if what you step on is sprites or if you use TROR it doesn't look like it goes down enough to warrant another floor

Yeah I'm a bitch

>> No.5044440 [View]

You know that's the funny thing, it's actually the contrary, the old versions were better in some regards. If you look at this one from 1995


Monastery, aka E1L4, (same map, some parts are pretty much as is in final) actually has a real outdoor area, which is one of the main issue of the final version as the only 'outdoor areas' are just rooms that might as well be indoor, which help convey the feeling that the map is just a succession of random rooms à la Rise Of The Triad.

On that same page, Zilla's Villa aka E1L6. EXACT SAME THING.

>> No.5044375 [View]

Zilla's Villa and Monastery. Monastery being the worst offender.

>> No.5044262 [View]

There have been updates to it by one of the eduke32 devs but I believe the only place you're going to find them is by digging into the duke4 forums

I love it, except for a couple of maps which look like they're from the early 90's. The funny thing is that one of the un-used but almost finished maps we can see in the released beta would have been a better map.

One thing about the game is that the way it treats enemies for the most part is very early 90's too. I mean, you got wild animals, a fire breathing monster, a ghost, and a ninja guy and girl used at the same time who all seem to team up and get along just to kick your ass.

>> No.5042907 [View]

The first 8 stages of MM3 are some of the bests of the original 6... and then it drops the cake.

I honestly don't mind the idea of having more difficulty, shorter, versions of previous levels, and those levels have good stuff in them, but the shitty Doc Bots and bad checkpoints make it awful.
Then there is the Wily Castle, incredibly short, generic, with all stages pretty much looking the same...


>> No.5042583 [View]

Then why does Ken lists it under his history of the build engine? I thought Build was an improved version of Ken's Labyrinth but I'm not sure really.

>> No.5042569 [View]
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier:
Duke Nukem 3D, Blood

High Tier:
Shadow Warrior

Very Good Tier:
Powerslave, Redneck Rampage Rides Again

Good Tier:
Redneck Rampage

Okay Tier:
Witchaven, Witchaven II, NAM, World War II GI, Redneck Rampage Deer Huntin'

Could Have Been Good Tier:

Haven't Played Yet Tier:
William Shatner Tekwar, Ken's Labyrinth

Haven't Played Either But Shit Tier Anyway:
Extreme Paintbrawl, Legend of Seven Paladins 3D

>> No.5038727 [View]
File: 166 KB, 800x600, RDNK0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use food as your main heals, only use booze as much as the food available allows you. Never ever get your drunkness meter into the red zone.

Whenever you can, you should always use alcohol first.
Alcohol in the red zone= drunk, but food in the red zone has trivial consequences.

But using food decreases your alcohol meter. Therefore if you use alcohol first, then food, you can use alcohol again, and so on.
This way you can make the most use of the alcohol .

>> No.5038714 [View]

>but I hate crimson heads
> but I prefer the cheesiness of the original

There are people who genuinely think these are the only arguments against REmake....

At that point in VG history and with that console generation, devs starting cramming as many frames as they possibly could into every single animation. Just because they could.

REmake is guilty of this, although it's nowhere near as bad as in RE0.

The result? Untight gameplay. Instead of being fast and responsive, like RE1/2/3 were, everything takes longer than it should, and showcasing their cool animations seemed to be the priority over gameplay.

>oh, here is a dog. I'll just shoot him with the shotgun.
>Now he's down, gotta wait until he gets up so I can take him down again... damn this is taking forever
>Oh gee, I missed my window shot by a couple of frames as the dog was ALMOST up so it didn't count
>Now my shotgun reloading animation is taking forever while the dog is jumping at my throat
>gotta mash the buttons, gotta mash the buttons, gotta mash the buttons... how long do I have to mash the buttons ? does this even count? and how long does it take them to get up afterwards?

This is the same with Hunters... and then there is randomly missing a zombie headshot with the shotgun up close because the game decided that particular frame wouldn't cut it.

in b4 >get gud
This has nothing to do with skills, I can avoid all those situations, can beat the game on the hardest difficulty in short time without saving, did knife only runs and speedruns of RE1/3, etc
This has to do with game design. The fact that these situations even exist.

>> No.5038695 [View]

You also need to get the hang of the shotgun spread, so you can take out basic enemies in 1-2 shots at the right distance.

>> No.5038683 [View]

The only times you really need to crouch are against projectiles. Otherwise you either take cover or dodge the bullets/projectiles. All hitscan enemies, including the Vixen although I wouldn't recommend it unless you are really good, can be dodged by strafe-running towards the right, in the same manner you can with DN3D's Pigcops and Enforcers, except even more easily.

Once you start meeting Vixens, keep the AK and Titty Gun for them and place yourself against a wall so it only takes a split second to take cover if they fire. If you don't have enough ammo for those, use the Alien Arm Gun. Atlernatively, you can snipe the bitches with a pistol from a distance so long you're out of reach of their titty guns, although this only works in E2L1 and in a couple of maps of Route66.

The dynamites can be pretty good in some situations, you just need to get the hang of it.

Your gut meter also serves as armor. Not sure about alcohol. You can reset the meters by using Moonshine, or slowly reduce it by taking a piss or a shit.

As for the Turd Minions... whenever there is water, make sure to kill them before they go in it. If that can't be done, you'll want to move to different distances until the aiming actually decides to work and they start getting hit. Being on the ground while they're in the water also helps, and if you have no choice but to be in the water with them, jumping before shooting helps. Dynamite/Crossbow may also work.

>> No.5036420 [View]

Crouching works great in Blood to avoid damage and I don't think it's a glitch. Btw, Caleb doesn't crouch, he lies on the ground and crawls.

You gotta put things back into context. Crouching was a very new thing. Before DN3D it was NOT a standard at all, and even then it usually barely did anything in terms of combat for games that did have crouching.

Blood took it to the next step and made it matter. Now mind you, it was one of the first to take it into account at this level, so it was still experimental, and also players just weren't used to crouch at any moment like we've been for 20 years now.

The fact that it's so OP is merely accidental due to poor balancing and players not being used to crouch so much.

What makes me thinks that everything about crouching is intended and nothing about it is "glitched" is simply how it works with cultists:
Cultists are able to lie down and crawl JUST as Caleb does. When they do, it becomes really hard to shoot at them, the same way Cultists have a hard time when Caleb crouches.
If they could think of something like this and program, then yeah, they put a lot thoughts into crouching mechanics and they are definitely aware of what's going on with the butcher and gargoyles.

Besides what you're saying is inaccurate. Butchers still attack, it's just that their projectiles go straight. They can still hit if if you crouch if you're on a higher level than they are.
Also Stone Gargoyles can still hit you with melee if you let them too close.

The only arguable glitch is how swimming cultists seem to have the a much worse hit detection as crawling ones.

>> No.5034623 [View]

Blood, doesn't use CON, and not even Shadow Warrior do. CON is not a Build engine feature. It was made by DN3D devs so only DN3D and games based on DN3D use it.

>> No.5034456 [View]

> I use the Jonof sourceport exclusively. I would never touch eDuke32.

In one of my previous posts I typed this question and then deleted it, but here it is now: are you Corvin?!

>> No.5034425 [View]

If you check a DOS Duke install you'll see game.con, def.con, user.con.
If you check a Redneck Rampage folder you'll see what feels like a thousand con files.

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