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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1111947 [View]

Thats a pretty awesome collection. I think you mean you are the ONLY person with a shrine to this game.

>> No.1110319 [View]

I was a big fan of centipede because of the track ball so you could move around super fast. I played a bunch of the remakes and actually prefer the one on the DS even though you don't use a track ball. The arcade version is really difficult with that fucking spider that zooms around on the screen and always kills me. It's a lot easier in the DS version.

>> No.1110317 [View]

I forgot about this game. I had the demo disc and would kill everything and run around having a blast until the 15 minutes or whatever it was was up. I remember taking the demo to friends houses and we thought it was awesome and hilarious. The only level we got to play was where you blow up the train traveling through the cave I think. I remember destroying a train and all the power ups being awesome. I think I will look it up and see about replaying the actual full game.

>> No.1107705 [View]

I will be downloading it and giving it a go. Thanks

>> No.1107674 [View]

OP please elaborate on this. I will go google for some vids and info but it's nice to have a first hand account of a hack. Is the game long like the original or only the first few worlds? Is it put together poorly? Is it obviously a hack or does it seem like an alternate reality?

>> No.1097304 [View]

>Hey can I borrow a Kleenex?
>"Sorry you bakka gaijin but these are Komori Disinfection Body Wipes imported from Europe, how can you possible confuse these with the local brand?

>> No.1097303 [View]

I honestly did not realize mecha was outside of gundam or transformers. I thought it was sort of it's own thing, like I get that Evangelion has mecha type things but a show just about robots i figured was always gundam. Sorry for being a backa gaijin when it comes to anime and games. I do think FF looks like Tales and they can easily be confused if you only played FF7 and up.

I only played FF3 for the SNES and didn't beat it (NA version) and think almost every generic RPG screenshot is a final fantasy game.

>> No.1097295 [View]

thinking about that now that you are a refined gamer yes this could be true. BUT when I was 5 and I was playing Mario 3 i used the fucking P-wing to beat the level with the Sun chasing you because I was a child and not very good. This game is meant for a wide audience so it becomes a matter of don't use the items but the fact that you can get a hammer brothers suit and a frog suit makes the game amazing.

>> No.1091538 [View]

I was looking at that too, up in Canada they have price tags like that but when you get closer it says for the TV stand or for the Speakers and there is a small sign that says 1999.99 for the TV. If this is the price of the TV in murrika then I might make a trip

>> No.1091532 [View]

The butthurt in some of those comments makes me not want to read about this anymore.

>> No.1091516 [View]

Implying people are going to sell this. It would be cool to make some repro's if somebody dumps the rom. I would love to play it on my nes just for the cool factor.

>A guy that I talk to on Instagram posted a screenshot of the email he got saying he won, im pretty sure it's legit but who knows

>> No.1091513 [View]

its like a 99% chance. When doing speedruns I manipulate it while running fast to get a mushroom or flower because i dont want three stars and watch the animation. Running full P seems to give it 99% of the time like I said, but if you turn at the last second before you jump then you will have an 80% chance to get one of the other two.

>> No.1091468 [View]

This right here! And make it so some bonus barrels were only obtainable using Donkey Kong and his slap move or something. Or he and diddy can have a special move combo together. This would have been pretty awesome

>> No.1088791 [View]

Is it just a video trailer playing for the game? or is the game actually hooked up? Very interesting.....

>> No.1088717 [View]

6 dollars for a Chrono trigger or Secret of Mana cart and Japan has expensive items in general. I wish we had this scenario for games. I don't like the Cart Art they use but I love their Box Art compared to ours.

>> No.1087878 [View]

Do you know what I mean though? Like when the game came out I bought it and instead of playing it when all the hype was out I held onto it so I could sell it later on. Instead of enjoying the game I watched my friends have fun and instead of joining the fun and discussing the game I had it sitting in a box and completely forgot about it until a month or two ago. I won't sell it either because it's one of my only sealed games and it does look cool. But now that I've played other harvest moons and rune factory I don't think I would enjoy it as much especially since I am in the middle of several other games.

It might just be me being weird but that's how I feel, I won't sell the game but I won't play it but I feel bad for owning it. I still badly want to get a SNES Harvest moon because it is so addicting and fun.

>> No.1087864 [View]

I think even if I got the games I wouldn't enjoy them as much as if I just played them when I got them and my friends had the games as well. I remember going to his house and he would play A wonderful life and it looked like so much fun but I thought I would enjoy it when I'm older or some shit like that like waiting until marriage for sex like an idiot. I wish I enjoyed games when they came out with my friends.

>> No.1087860 [View]

I thought the SD2snes was backlogged for like 8 months and was 200$? I want one so bad but I got turned off when it would take that long, just in case my money got tied up and somehow he went out of business and I never got it. Correct me if I'm wrong and I will go buy one right now.

>> No.1087856 [View]

Really? You came here to ask us if an random item you grabbed hoping to sell would have any value?

Collecting is fine to an extent if you play the games, reselling is fine if you plan on buying games with the money but simply buying something to resell it immediately is kind of scummy when the hobby is slowly being eroded by these kinds of people.

I'm sure you didn't mean it in such a shitty way but from my view it does come off as you being a scummy reseller that most of us hate. On a related note I have one of those and it has a sticker for 100$ on it and when I bought it (the guy sold me MK3 and Street Fighter Turbo Cib for 30$) the guy said he had no use for it and it was a super awesome deal he gave me by giving me it for 5$ because thats a 95$ loss for him lol.

It's a novelty at this point

>> No.1087843 [View]

>Played Harvest Moon 1 on an Emulator 6 or 7 years ago
>Decide I should get it for SNES so I can enjoy it properly
>It should be cheap because why would anybody like a farming simulator?
>eBay has 3 buy it nows for over 200$ cart only

I really thought this game would be an easy grab. As a result, I have a sealed copy of Friends of Mineral town and a Wonderful Life for the GCN.

I feel kind of shitty for not playing them but I think my theory was if I held onto these two games sealed I could pay for a good quality SNES harvest moon after selling them, but it seems they hit a peak of 100$ for Mineral Town and 50$ for Wonderful Life and I think for both I payed 60 or 70$ total. This was a shitty plan and I wish I played them but now it's a waste to open them so I want to find used copies but I feel bad spending money on games I already have and it's just a terrible cycle.

>> No.1087758 [View]

I smiled when I read that post. I like the comparison where people say the third one is a trip to Canada lol. I did like the realistic overworld but after beating 1 and 2 and now going through 3 for like my 5th time it does seem really slow and easy compared to the first 2. And I do agree with the random levels and the lack of continuity being stupid. I did absolutely love the second to last area with the fire rope level. That has to be my favourite level because of the music fitting so well with the view.

>> No.1078336 [View]

I know what you mean but just because somebody makes a good post and then ends it with XD doesn't mean we need like 4 or 5 posts telling them to go back to /b/ , just ignore it and contribute to the thread, it would be great if people could just ignore things

>> No.1078334 [View]

Getting older sucks. We never knew how awesome we had it as children and even as teenagers. Now I work 8 to 6 every weekday and my friends have different schedules because of school as well as part time jobs and the fact that I have to take a toll bridge to see any of them makes it a little worse, AND the fact that I'm the only one with good income so I can spend 10$ on gas to go there and back for a meet up. I just want to have a sleep over and play games or meet somebody in my town who plays games. I bought a boxed famicom game off a guy who seemed cool but he was wearing a hockey jersey and sort of had that "I'm such a nerd" vibe but I think I could have been friendlier to him and asked if he wanted to play with me (would it be weird if somebody asked you that after buying a game from you off craigslist?)

>> No.1078327 [View]

I thought it was made for people who want to discuss games? Can you really not understand that emoticons are part of internet culture? I know we have a higher standard but it's not like anybody is going "OMG GUIEZ T_T I FOUND AN EN EE ESS ZERO ZERO 1 Frst n1nt3ndo ever made but my brother ( >:() ) broke it!?!?!? He's such a n3wb because he was born in 2003 (omg so stupid) instead of 1999 like me (90's boy here, teenage mutant ninja turtles)

^^^^We are not having any of that, XD is pushing it but no need to fly off the handle and start shouting how you are better than him/her, just say something related to the thread and then quote them and say something like please don't be immature.

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