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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.2702464 [View]

>those shitheads from the club

Or you're just a very insecure faggot who takes his hobby to autistic levels to try and "impress" those around you.

>> No.2702457 [View]

Found the ear fetishist.

>> No.2702447 [View]

Lol, calm down there sperg, who cares about some nothing game that was released 30 years ago?

I hate autists who think you have to be knowledgeable about retro shit in order to play/be retro, I'm 24 fucking years old, enough with your contrived elitism.

>> No.2702412 [View]

But it does.

>> No.2702408 [View]



Get the fuck out of here with your faggot shit please.

>> No.2702398 [View]


ITT: Underage kids playing lesser-known FPS games and thinking they're hardcore-edgy because of it

>> No.2702361 [View]

>I don't really want the board rules to change

That's because you're underage.

>> No.2702357 [View]

HOTD 1 and 2 were great-mazing, HOTD 3 was also fun, but it's environments largely felt less interesting.

Played HOTD 4, once, for like 15 minutes.

>> No.2702354 [View]

Nah, House of the Dead 1 was legit as fuck, yo

>> No.2647990 [DELETED]  [View]

You sound like the kind of guy I can filter, oh hey!

>> No.2647986 [DELETED]  [View]

>First line in was a direct rephrase of yours, so eat your own shit and cry about how it tastes more.

Actually it wasn't, that was the first "sentence" in, dumb-fuck, nice to know I'm arguing with a literal cry baby and a retard though, makes me laugh all the more.

>>entire rest of post is desperately backpedaling
>Nah, get bent.

Nah, learn what the fuck "backpedaling" is, retard.

>> No.2647973 [DELETED]  [View]

Well, at least one of you was so pathetic you made me laugh. At least there's that going for this thread.

>> No.2647970 [DELETED]  [View]

>Just because your trip makes you think your opinion is more valid than the others

Lol, the first line in and you're already resorting to strawman. Glad to know we've got a high caliber arguer here.

>Brutal Doom is about as Doom as Trailblazer is, or Terrorists! is, or as Reelism is.

...Oh, that's it? No, please, go on. I could sit here all day listening to you rattle off mods I couldn't give a shit about, because they aren't Brutal Doom, but it's fun listening to you think you have a point.

>It's a mod. It changes the game. It's not a supplement or a replacement for the original.

Holy shit you're insecure. Lol, okay then, well, tell me when this reality phases into the next and Brutal Doom "replaces" the original, because unless that happens, it hasn't. Sorry you're desperately trying to fetishistic-ally hate on a mod because of how you "perceive" it as "replacing" the game. Holy fucking shit.

>Stop being such a fucking baby because we don't enjoy it as much as you.

How about you quit being such a cunty little man-baby who's deathly afraid of his own paranoid delusions, you literal cry baby?

>> No.2647948 [DELETED]  [View]

It's 4:30 am, fucki you.

>> No.2647945 [DELETED]  [View]

Every single time I see Brutal Doom brought up, it's always the same piss-ants that I see complaining about it.

I swear, they come straight from the fucking Zandronum/ZDoom forums, where they're still ass-pained about some guy who made a few dumb comments. Get over it, he didn't rape your mother.

>> No.2647926 [DELETED]  [View]

>Oh I won't, because then if you see it floating around, you might just have the common sense to shut your stupid arrogant fucking mouth about shit your salty about, like Brutal Doom. Because we all know how salty you kids are about mods that change things.

>> No.2647914 [DELETED]  [View]

>faggot detected

Yea, it kinda is. Just because your piss-flavored drink makes you sour about it, doesn't mean it's not.

>more stupid doom

Seeing as its added a reload feature, a kick, alt fire on specific weapons, sped up the enemies, increased their accuracy, and added new attacks/dodges, and made it all-around more difficult, I'm failing to see where your pig-headed insult aimed at degrading the mod and those who like it, fits into it exactly.

>> No.2639474 [View]

>You can't even fucking make outdoor areas.

Does the map-making system include hell assets?

>> No.2639461 [View]

>People don't want a REMAKE, they want more DooM. Like it or not FPS has changed but that is not the issue. DooM is still popular because there are countless mods that use that solid run n gun foundation, without throwing it away entirely. What I want is an expansion of that DooM styled gameplay based around a diverse bestiary and skill based movement. Does DooM4 have that? I don't know, but it is very easy to see how many people are worried about it, as at this point it seems that fast paced movement has been replaced with BRUTAL executions but again, it is too early to tell. Also the lack of mod support is a huge negative to me, as I would love to see awesome mods such as demonsteele or Hideous destructor recreated in a modern engine.

And here's my answer to people like you; GO FUCKING PLAY DOOM THEN.

It was done once, it was done twice, and it was done THREE TIMES, on the PC and N64.

Not all of us want to re-tread things that have already been done, and I would feel pretty fucking raped if it was literally just Doom with a new engine. In fact, I'd be pretty fucking pissed, since I can get mods to do that for me.

> Also the lack of mod support is a huge negative to me, as I would love to see awesome mods such as demonsteele or Hideous destructor recreated in a modern engine.

There's a huge map-making system.

>> No.2639447 [View]

I'm excited for the people who will use the Map making system to recreate Plutonia, TNT, and the Master Levels.

Also, that picture becomes hilarious if you look at it like the Revenant is cross-eyed.

>> No.2638495 [View]

>or paid reviews etc

Has less to do with that, and more to do with modern reviewers being literally fuck-all retarded.


>> No.2638467 [View]
File: 120 KB, 991x454, ko2e0mw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right. I played the first one, but it's on my "to play" list.

>> No.2638460 [View]

I find some gameplay mods like Brutal Doom to be fun when playing WAD's that are strictly just new levels and not TC's or partial TC's.

>> No.2638453 [View]


Maybe it's because I've only got 5 hours of sleep, but I'm not sure what you're referring to.

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