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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.1688310 [View]


How are the axis of that graph labelled?

>> No.1688309 [View]


The vast majority of it is CDDA, like music CDs - so yes it is streamed from disc without the flexibility of MIDI.

Not all games, but all the games that boasted "CD quality audio" on the back of the case did. Which by my experience is 80+%

Here's an experiment you can try at home:
>get PlayStation game
>put in normal CD player
>skip track 1
>enjoy music from game on home stereo unit

A lot of PC games of that era did the same, but nowhere near as high a percentage as with PSX

I'm not saying PSX couldn't switch MIDI seamlessly - they could. My point was that most PSX games used "high fidelity digital audio" - that couldn't be done seamlessly, on the fly, in response to game situations. I should have been more clear.

Back when it launched, the "high quality digital audio" was one of Sony's big selling points over the SNES et al

>> No.1688297 [View]


Pokemon was at the end of the Game boys life. The killer app was Tetris.

>> No.1688295 [View]


Exactly like that, and SUPER easy to do with MIDI, because the format makes changing instruments, tempos, even entire riffs easy. The hardest part is writing loads of different dynamic channels of music that'll go together, and deciding what in the game makes them change.

But that's more music theory & game design than technology.

MIDI is brilliant technology, if only people had better sound cards/sound modules that rendered it nicely

>> No.1688279 [View]


Incorrect. My PC keyboard also has a 17key numberpad, 4 arrow keys, home end insert delete etc.

Although that controller is awesome, I had something very similar for the Dreamcast back when I played PSO too much

>> No.1688272 [View]


Well, they kind of do. MIDI is much smaller than digital audio, so takes less space and will be read into RAM a LOT quicker. With old CD drives, seek to.e was the real issue, it would take a lot longer to find the data than with the easy direct addressing of a cartridge ROM.

And the time locked cross fade is super easy with MIDI (the same way Monkey Island 2 did it), and a lot harder with digital audio. Not impossible with today's sound tech like auto beat detection and pitch & speed adjustments - but a PSX would never handle it. And even computers that can, won't do it perfectly

>> No.1688023 [View]


Firmware may have fixed some issues for me, but wouldn't have made me like the buttons & dpad.

>> No.1687798 [View]


I use TempGBA for emulating on it, and have no issues. What makes you think its a piece of shit?

>> No.1687735 [View]


I picked up one of those, and found it to be terrible for everything. Poor battery life, horrible dpad and buttons, stupid menu system - DS/3DS with a DSTwo is VASTLY superior for GBA

>> No.1686642 [View]


I didn't know that. But when I picked up my silver controller, it was a combo deal with a game so it cost me less than the standalone controller anyway.

>> No.1686509 [View]
File: 5 KB, 300x164, silver-xbox-controller-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I highly recommend the silver X360 controller. The d-pad can be "twisted" and it changes from slidy to clicky. Its over 9000% better than the normal d-pad

>> No.1686501 [View]


My Blade game is the same. Grey cartridge, notch for power switch...
>this game is only playable on gameboy color

>> No.1684890 [View]


Don't listen. This makes nerve gas.

>> No.1684810 [View]

This. Its the jumping that's broken.

But it still controls way better than 2. And the AWFUL controls of the Warioland games

>> No.1684780 [View]


Yeah man, and it is AWESOME. You'd be forgiven for thinking it was actually made by Valve.

Yeah, GBAtemp used to absolutely rule, but the redesign... Ewwww. Now it works like shit on my phone, and they got rid of the different sections on the front page - I was always checking their scene releases box to keep up with new games. When they cut that, I lost the love.

They are still a great forum for howtos and latest info, but I only go there when looking for something in particular now, instead of the daily browse I used to do.

>> No.1684730 [View]
File: 117 KB, 802x780, IMG_20140515_191238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this on eBay.

It is Blade, for the GBC. As in the film Blade, with Wesley Snipes. Wtf artwork?!?!

>> No.1684697 [View]


Apparently smealum has found a way to make a "homebrew channel" on the 3DS, that boots code from the SD. No commercial ROMs though, but emulators would be do-able.

But how he is, it'll be AGES before he releases his exploit - if he ever does.

Video of his channel tests here:-


>> No.1684561 [View]


I use a DSTwo, and the "Alex Rider" thing annoys me. But ninety don't spy or block you for it.

And they can't really block it without blocking that game - if they did Supercard would just update the firmware anyway to pretend its a different game.

Still, I always lol when someone I've streetpass'd has been playing that recently!

>> No.1681838 [View]


Pretty much. Run into problems, and need more free time. Sometimes I wish I was unemployed...

>> No.1681225 [View]
File: 172 KB, 636x477, TitleScreen+WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1681217 [DELETED]  [View]


I fpund Sleeping Dogs to have a lot of "shenmue" in its blood. More GTA than I liked, but had a good Asian exploration living city vibe that I loved shenmue for. And that brawling gameplay.

>> No.1680773 [View]


Mah nigga

I wish the newer ones would get translated. Especially the DS version, for portable kawaii waifu

>> No.1678175 [View]


Road Rash 2 is another, off the top of my head.

The majority of 3 button games need this to work properly

>> No.1678169 [View]
File: 6 KB, 240x232, _-Phantasy-Star-Online-Dreamcast-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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