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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.6489589 [View]

Based and redpilled.

>> No.6482968 [View]

Well you know, magic is funny like that. Some people are born magically gifted, and magic is intertwined with everything that they do. These are the people we call witches, sorcerers, etc. Magic is something that they -are-, not just a power they possess.

And then some people come upon magic powers by happenstance, they pick it up when they need something that can't be obtained by other means, then they put it down when they're satisfied. Or perhaps the powers leave them, to assist some other person in need.

>> No.6474501 [View]

Nintendo is the only one of those companies still making consoles so I don't know, maybe there's a lesson to be learned here.

>> No.6470382 [View]


>> No.6469167 [View]

Probably La Mulana (original freeware) desu

The remake is good, but the MSX-style original is pure soul.

>> No.6468384 [View]

Yes, I've beaten Cave Story multiple times. I still like the original freeware version the best. I used to be able to speedrun the Sacred Grounds...

Cave Story + is good, but make sure you download the patch that replaces the soulless Nicalis translation with soulful Aeon Genesis. Also, holy fuck the Wind Cave is hard

I also played through Cave Story 3D once. It was alright, it was less terrible than I was expecting it to be.

>> No.6467238 [View]

Probably just an unfinished level. Still kinda creepy though.

>> No.6458293 [View]

>only two Energy tanks
>no X-ray or Grapple
WTF? is this a low% run?

>> No.6458163 [View]
File: 308 KB, 792x612, policemurder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6458120 [View]

A good friend of mine had to spend some time in solitary because she got caught spraypainting.

This is why my preferred method for spreading propaganda is stickering and wheatpasting. There's less room for cops to claim "probable cause" (smelling like paint is immediately suspicious, smelling like flour is not). Just don't answer any questions, and don't consent to any search.

>> No.6458106 [View]
File: 25 KB, 689x325, Dn9DLpWVsAEKz9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got a problem with authority

A house that you live in isn't private property; it is personal property. Those aren't the same thing, and Ancoms respect the latter.

>> No.6456674 [View]

>only doing their jobs in trying to maintain civil order in Neo-Tokyo?
JuSt FoLLoWiNg OrDeRs!

fuck cops

>> No.6448978 [View]


>> No.6443863 [View]

Heckran can only be damaged with magic.

>> No.6441961 [View]

Big tiddy elfen sex workers turn me on ^^;

>> No.6435795 [View]

Nope. Singular "they" has existed since the 14th century, and "they" as a specific nonbinary-gendered pronoun was officially added to Merriam-Webster in 2019 (even though it's been in use way longer than that).


The Sprite is nonbinary and a they.

>> No.6435732 [View]


The Sprite should be referred to with they/them pronouns.

>> No.6435567 [View]

Neither. Enby.

>> No.6433047 [DELETED]  [View]

The main character is a cop and ACAB so sorry I have to give this game a thumbs down. Play Megaman ZX instead.

>> No.6430859 [View]

Nah I kept getting my shit slapped by water elementals on Kraken's floor, so I ended up grinding to 50.

>> No.6430779 [View]
File: 261 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200514-203430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's a wrap. Thanks guys! This was a lot of fun.

>> No.6430776 [View]
File: 99 KB, 1003x768, Final Fantasy (USA)-200514-203336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaand CLUNK

>> No.6428716 [View]

It basically is. I don't think anyone in the game tells you to go there, and I remember just discovering it on my own.

>> No.6428642 [View]

I beat Tiamat!!

Now I'm wondering if I should go directly to the Temple of Fiends, or if I should grind to level 50 first. Do you think Chaos is doable at level 40?

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