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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.2071252 [View]

No, I just know they were from ages 16-23, roughly. A couple of those were dark years, though I don't think anything stuck from those times.There's a few others that correspond to manga instead. Those were from depressive periods.

I think there's a few others, but I remember better when I'm playing the games than I do looking at my music.

>> No.2071201 [View]

Final Fantasy 7: Rush - 2112
Kirby's Adventure: David Bowie - Heroes
Xenogears: The Cure - Disintegration
Everquest: Frank Zappa - We're Only in It for the Money

>> No.2071150 [View]

Sure. But it's no more or less prone to becoming an escape as any other hobby. You can be into retro games because you're truly passionate about the art form, or you can be into it because your life is miserable and it's the only thing you have left. I've been on both sides of it.

It has been said that everything you do in life centers around trying to recapture that which was imprinted in your mind in your formative years. Sometimes it's direct, sometimes it's an abstract representation of whatever it was.

I remember a long time ago some guy mentioned in a thread that his family wanted to have an intervention to discuss his video game playing, and another poster just said, "Tell them right back that you're concerned about how much TV they watch." Aren't we just here to enjoy our lives? If you can accomplish that with gaming relics, what the hell. You won't impact the world by sitting at home playing video games, but you're not hurting anyone, either.

I mean, some people collect stamps or convene every Saturday in convenience store parking lots to discuss birds.

>> No.2070783 [View]

Also, when I was little, I thought "Hydrocity" rhymed with "velocity".

I feel there's a couple places where you can get unfairly pinballed and get crushed easily. But yeah, Act 1 is wonderful, aside from the lame boss.

>> No.2068820 [View]

It has the best challenge of any N64 platformer. Mario, Banjo, Kirby and DK were all fun, but they were total romps.

The multiplayer was also the best on the system if you ask me. Maybe other games had better shooter-type multi, but Conker's modes were all really fun. I dumped countless hours with my friend into that.

The reference-laden humor gets pretty old though, yeah. It has really nice worlds and atmospheres though.

>> No.2067176 [View]

Sandopolis is an underrated stage. Act 2 can be kind of annoying in a couple parts but the music is deceptively cool. I like to play around with the different sound channels (the emulator I used to use at least had something that let you isolate different parts of the tracks). It's a well-layered song, almost like two different ones playing together.

>> No.2060865 [View]

Do whatever is most fun for you: cheating, save states, et cetera unless it's for the sake of competition.

Go ahead and enable God mode; it's your experience, just don't use it to gain an unfair advantage on another person.

>> No.2060407 [View]

Why does it being a handheld keep it out of the same tier?

>> No.1977975 [View]

The voice controls lick ass if you play it on emulator, but I suppose you can "responsibly" use save states and make Oddysee less of a chore, so there's that.

>> No.1968297 [View]

When I was seven or eight, I went over to a friend's house and I could swear Mallow was using the Hammer. I even remember having a conversation with him about it. He was in Bandit's Way, so it would have been one of the first couple hammers you get.

>> No.1929704 [View]

It's one of my top two games all-time, since I'm big on story and game world -- Xenogears being the other. They are 1a and 1b in my mind. It's one of the only video games to profoundly affect me on an intellectual or emotional level.

>> No.1878562 [View]

Death is most certainly the logical answer, since the game is all about finding out you were a bunch of other assholes in the same body, separated only by a series of deaths.

Torment is one big statement on karma (but not the way most people perceive it).

>> No.1866475 [View]

I replayed Chrono Trigger like a year or two ago. It's reached that point where I can't really lose anymore, but it's still fun to explore, especially after I've sort of forgotten some of the sidequest details and such.

Personally, I find Cross to be the more interesting game. Maybe it's just that I played it first, but I liked the team-building aspects and the element system, because there were tons of different possibilities and opportunities for tweaking your setup to be just right.

The only thing I think could have been done better in the two games is that New Game+ should present a new level of challenge. I always start it up, then lament that I'm way too strong for everything.

>> No.1862362 [View]

Not wasted potential so much as potential that couldn't function or be appreciated in its own era, and maybe would have succeeded had it come out ten years later.

>> No.1862115 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 306 KB, 1200x900, final-fantasy-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a video game that you think suffered from being born in the wrong era.

I've talked a good deal of shit about FFVIII in my time, and some of it was deserved. I never hated the game, and it grows on me a little bit each time I play it. I've always said that despite its flaws it's one of the better-looking and better-realized worlds in a Final Fantasy game. I love prerendered backgrounds but I think it did this game a disservice and it would have done much better in that regard on a later system.

As one of the few fans of the latest entries in the Final Fantasy series, I can say their worlds share a lot of similarities, and I think the creators were recreating a lot of what they couldn't do before with the limitations of the time. Having been conceived before voice acting was more common in video games (let alone that period where there was little to no direction for the actors and so the dialogue just came out silly), it was inevitable that a lot of their ideas would be lost in translation.

I wouldn't say I'd like to see a remake, and the game still has a lot of fundamental flaws that have nothing to do with technological limitations, but I have to admire their ambition to a degree.

>> No.1856293 [View]

The carpet matches the drapes.

>> No.1844220 [View]

It's sort of fun until you figure out all the gaps in the AI.

At least you can play as Sophia/Elly's gear when you come back at the end of the game.

>> No.1842805 [View]

fuck yes Xenogears thread

>playable Eldridge dungeon
>playable Soylent System
>more playable Zeboim dungeons
>actual cutscenes from the parts where the Limiters are removed and the mutated take refuge in Nisan

I'd give my right nut.

>> No.1784440 [View]

>random guy who comes into my work
>non-shitty interests
>try to exchange Steam IDs/give him my number
>he skeeves out and no longer comes in as much

>other guy who I worked with one day at a different job location than usual
>same deal but he doesn't become avoidant
>never online anyway

>> No.1783102 [View]

Because that one secret area in the beginning of the Stockyards where you have to rescue two Mudokons while running from a Scrab twice front and back is just not cool.

>> No.1741985 [View]

The only difference between FFVII and FFXIII is the pacing. In FFVII, you have linear segments and you have sections where you get to explore and do extracurricular activities in between major plot points. In FFXIII, you have a long linear segment followed by a vast, open endgame.

When you eat a three-course meal, do you eat a little bit of everything all at once, or do you eat one portion before moving to the next?

>> No.1690220 [View]

It's not that the main story is unclear. Every key plot point is explained fine, or can be inferred easily. It's just that everything in between is muddled. A lot of characters' personalities don't come through because of it, and many random conversations kind of just seem like word salad.

>> No.1690002 [View]

It kind of is. A lot of us who played it when it came out have slowly come to understand the story better because we've all discussed it and perhaps researched it on the internet, but the standalone NTSC game is not particularly clear.

I finished playing the game again recently and I was still surprised at how many non sequiturs were running loose all over the game's script. Those scenes where Cloud starts to break down and hear Jenova in his head just seem like he's thinking to himself in the voice of someone with flat brain syndrome. I mean, it's not just "This guy are sick" type stuff. So many little jokes were lost in translation, like monster names.

I can't speak to that new translation's quality but I'd definitely try it if I could right now.

>> No.1688012 [View]

And even if you have fixpacks, the last three stars of weapon proficiency are not nearly as vital as the first two.

>*tips Ioun stone*
OK, that was pretty funny.

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