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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.1600118 [View]
File: 151 KB, 800x600, Unknown1Bio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So The Space Pirate (or El Pirata Espacial if you prefer) is making decent headway! As for right now, the GZDoom version is gonna stay at it's current version while we port it over to Zandy and Zandy 2.0. What kind of features/weapons/characters would you like to see in the future?

Also still looking for some good text so I can make a TSP-based "rip and tear" pic! Anyone?

>> No.1598419 [View]

So uh, since work on TSP is being done pretty frequently now, any chance someone can add it to that "So you want to play Doom?" pic?

>> No.1598118 [View]

Awh shucks. Right back at you!
A lot of the cool stuff is actually being done by Scroton, he offered his help after I made a couple cries for attention lol. But I got my start by looking at other people's code (particularly WildWeasel's) and seeing what did what. It makes a bunch of sense when you read into it and get an understanding of it. But hey! I can't map, so you've got that on me!

>> No.1598101 [View]

Awh thanks! It only gets better from here, and I can't wait to see what you're capable of!

>> No.1598037 [View]

Ha, I have an infinite! That's so cool.


>> No.1598001 [View]

Tis me! Well, based on some mugshots that Xaser made as well, but I did a crapton of editing to them. I'm not too happy with some of them but I've been at this for too long so they're gonna stay like that for a bit.

>> No.1597995 [View]

Yup! Part of the new update.
They're more aggressive due to some DECORATE trickery by Scroton. I'll see about giving them a debuff and such.

>> No.1597992 [View]

It's a lot faster in-game, webmd slowed it down just a bit. Plus melee has a chance of stunning enemies (higher than your weapons in some cases), and you have a couple of utilities in your melee stance that help as well.
What kind of black magic did you use to do that combo at :10? Crazy!

>> No.1597987 [View]
File: 7 KB, 600x768, OUCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHH! You did like a bunch of 10 hit combos there. Awesome job!
A new(er) version of the Space Pirate has been released! In addition to the "drop all shells" button and the "Melee Quick Switch", Mel has a hudface! Yay. Scroton has also made a bunch of improvements to the poison shell shots that I'm not sure were in the last released version. Check it out!


>> No.1597026 [View]

Funny you should mention that...

>> No.1595654 [View]
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, Mel-Design-Sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got bored editing Mel's mugshots and pretending to work on the twin pistols (teehee) and decided to redesign Mel. Up until this point she's been pretty much a blue Ada Wong with scars and an eyepatch, but I took some inspiration from Slax's fanart and decided to go for a more armored, futuristic look. I also wanted to have traces of the old design so I didn't have to redo any of her player sprites much. The idea is to have this be what I would show someone when I commission some ORIGINAL art for her. The four side pics beside the main one are alternate skins which I plan on editing after I finish her player sprites. Neat.

Anyways, tell me what you think guys. Also, has anyone found themselves using the Robo voice set for Mel? Which do you prefer?

>> No.1595019 [View]

Yup, all the fancy death stuff will be coming later, including shock deaths and such.

>> No.1594934 [View]

Four separate ammo pools sounds like it'd just make things more restricted, I like the ammo management aspect of it as it stands, but I'm always open to feedback. Remember that shells are really common drops because they're replacing several different ammo drops that won't exist once we get further in development.

>> No.1594846 [View]

Basically, the Mag Sling fires a projectile at the monster which puts it in the "Sling" pain state. That pain state faces the player and then fires out a loreshot derived projectile, which does 0 damage but has +FORCEPAIN on it. This forces the player to react to the projectile but not get damaged. +FORCEPAIN isn't in Zandronum yet, so Mag Sling won't be making it in the next TSP Neo version.
I wouldn't do it any other way!

>> No.1594816 [View]

Check this video around 1:17 for more info: http://youtu.be/mrFF8LCZw5Y?t=1m17s
Probably something a little more common..., right now it's a flamethrower/proxmine launcher. Neato? Maybe?

>> No.1594659 [View]

VIDEO TUTORIAL! Learn about TSP, and how to use the new shotgun, and all that fun stuff!

I hope! I'm not too sure to be honest.
Most likely, yeah. We'll see how it goes though!
Mag Push then buckshot round from Zeke works wonders!

>> No.1594613 [View]

One of the quit messages gives away the big "plan" for the next update, but akimbo pistols will be Zandy exclusive (for now). As for weapons, the next update will probably include two, one being the plasma rifle replacement and the other goes hand in hand with that quit message.

>> No.1593715 [View]

Malware Bytes latest update is really killing it for me though. Not in a good way.

>> No.1592557 [View]

Ack! I knew I forgot to document something! It's Special/Melee button, then immediately followed by primary fire (for Mag Push) and alternate fire (for Mag Sling).

More info here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-space-pirate/tutorials/indigo-skyline-archive-melody-crosswell-and-the-basics-of-tsp

>> No.1592525 [View]
File: 45 KB, 345x101, Download-Button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/download/j95x2eblgge52d0/MK+-+The+Space+Pirate+%28V.0.1.2b+Alpha%29.zip

- Version 0.1.2b Alpha Released!
+ NEW WEAPON: "Dahlia" Custom Concealable Weapon - Go stealthy with this accurate crossbow,
or make a blast with the explosive alternate bolts!
+ NEW WEAPON: Marston Arms RPG-2090 (The “Toolbox”) - This micro rocket launcher packs a
punch, but features a unique flak cannon alternate fire!
+ NEUE WAFFE: Maschinenpistole 40! Obwohl Sie brauchen, um durch Zeit und Raum reisen, um zu
bekommen es...!
+ NEW ABILITIES: MAG PUSH and MAG SLING! Mag Push allows you to push back projectiles and foes,
while Mag Sling uses the enemy as an anchor point and catapults you towards them!
+ Zeke has gotten a major upgrade in the form of alternate shell types! Included are Buckshot
(your average shotgun shells), Shock (for tough targets), Hellfire (special shells that you can
burst! Make sure to bind that Special/Melee button to have them burst!), and Poison (for crowd
control!) All of your shells share a pool, but look out on Blue Vertigo's YouTube channel for
more documentation and tutorials on how to use the new Zeke!
+ Melee attacks for every weapon included! Bind the "Special/Melee" key in your controls!
+ Zeke no longer needs to be clicked to be pumped! However, clicking fire again will pump faster!
+ Berserk Pack will now double the strength all your melee attacks! This is temporary, a new
Berserk replacement will be coming in an upcoming build!
+ Chaingunners ahoy! Our heavy weapon-wielding foes have three variants, and pack quite a punch!
Bleed mortal!
+ The Lost Souls have been given a Space Pirate makeover! Yikes!
+ A new zombie variant has been added!
- 919m.0 has more starting ammo and can fire faster in semi-auto mode.
- You can now find TSP on MOD DB! Check out the site for tutorials and more!

>> No.1591317 [View]

That was awesome! Him grabbing the treasure was the best though.

>> No.1590353 [View]

Thanks for the feedback!

Explosive bolts have been buffed already, but I'll look into a faster swing for the Uzi. I would go akimbo but that'll clash with some future plans of mine. The planned alt fire was a gun-kata like the movie Equilibrium, but who know's if that'll stick. We'll see!

Not too sure about this one, I don't have that issue on my end.

>> No.1590274 [View]

abandonedrig.wad, it's an old Cutmanmike wad. I believe so, anyawy.

>> No.1590246 [View]
File: 542 KB, 1267x713, tspscreen9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I think I'm gonna need a bigger gun.

New version of the Space Pirate tomorrow! Including some balance changes, an actual, functioning crossbow (blame me for the partially functioning one, sorry!), major changes to the reload system of the shotgun, and the most exciting part of all, MELEES FOR THE CROSSBOW AND TOOLBOX! Yay.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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